nanomo's Forum Posts

  • 3 posts
  • Im having the same problem on Chrome 46.0.2490.80 m

    Construct2 r212.2

    export method: html 5

    this project its a based on a plataformer template and added no more of 3 images, its an example to, tis almost 100% a vanila template for plataformer.

    The chrome console shows this error:

    1) Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Only secure origins are allowed (see: function)

    2) c2runtime.js:112 Error loading image '': Eventa.onerror c2runtime.js:112

    Chrome says the image has 0 bytes of size

    Firefox shows good the image

    I cheded in the FTP files and the image size its 100B

    I think its the 1)

  • Hi,

    Im using Browser object to exec a js function, the issue comes when i send aparameter like "myfunction("&Score&")";

    in the js file i have:

    function myfunction(score)


    console.log("the score: "+score);


    When i run the game, i can see the log in console but the game continue with rare beahviours like not firing collisions or detecting overlapping objects.

    There isn't any error in console, so what can be the problem?

    for now i find a workaround that is to use webstorage from C2, store the value i need to share with the js function and then inside the js function use window.localStorage.getItem("mykey")

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  • Hi!

    I was using C2 since a while and yesterday acquired a personal licence (yayy :D)

    im working on a basic game that needs to be integrated with facebook, so i use phonegap/cordova plugins and integrate with C2, everithings works fine BUT the game doens't show in fullscreen:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Things i tried:

    x) see if the default cordova file works in full screen: yes, the default cordova seems ok and the ondevice events and other things works

    x) test the facebook plugins with the default cordova project: yes, it's works

    x) export from C2 as phonegap project, edit the html to change phonegap.js to cordova.js

    x) import the files from C2 exported as Phonegap with Windows Size W:720,H:1280 and Fullscreen method: Letterbox Scale, tried to change the unbounding scrolled to yes in all the layouts, edit the html tring to manually set W,H on canvas div, etc. but the result is not showing in full screen the game.

    x) tried editing res/xml/config.xml adding <preference name="Fullscreen" value="true" />, with no luck

    x) tried edditin adding getWindow().setFlags(


                   WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN |

                   WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FORCE_NOT_FULLSCREEN) , with no luck

    After almos 12 hours of looking arounf and testing i decided to post here, i read there isn't any support for phonegap excluding phonegapbuild but i need to build manually becouse i need to use the facebook plugins from cordova.

  • 3 posts