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  • 6 posts
  • Woah, hugone! Just noticed your example with perspective jumper and was in... awe, mucho!!!!!!!!! 8-) Close to what I was intended, thanks.

    Tweens and Bullet: Bullet is dynamics, would not vote for it anyway, as it is suitable for different gameplay concept. Why would you avoid LiteTween? I thought that LT would give more intuitive control over trajectory adjustments, like for variable jump heights, quicker to set up.

    I like your Case (move) branching, makes entire code more structured. Is this still hardware independent, since you use dt increments?

    Your example made me completely reconsider my approaches to the code, as I naively thought that everything must reside under everyTick. I will post an update with what I ended up. Gracias!

  • dop2000 Thanks, I saw your LT and Bullet example, and unfortunately it is not what I meant. You have a flat 2D world, where player determines highest point of each jump/motion vector, however I am looking into faking an isometric world, where player lands on mouse click position - I was trying to make skewed jump trajectories.

    Thank you for sharing your file anyway - it is educating to observe how more experienced users do things.

  • Hugone,

    I think I managed to recreate your screenshot in C2, however it still acts erratically, will dig into it tomorrow.

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  • Thanks hugone,

    I've changed access permissions, plz have a look once again.

  • Hi dop2000,

    Thank you for your response.

    Sorry, I was not able to open your CAPX, as it comes from a newer C2 277 version, while I have 227. As suggested here, I used a text editor to change the version entry, yet still having issues.

    Any way to see what have you made there?

    I try to make jumping player Character, and jump arcs are essential to convey game dimensions. See my Capx here.

  • Hey guys, I beg for your help.

    I want to control the arcs of my character jumps to mouse position (fake iso). I store values in fromPosXY (from SelfXY), toPosXY (from MouseXY) for the Shadow which moves linearly, and a Character, that has linked Character.X to Shadow.X, however Character.Y calc'ing is my struggling point.

    I've abandoned Lerp solution in favor of LiteTween, as it offers easy to control easings and durations, however I am failing miserably in trying to combine ascent and descent of my character into one arc. I want to sequence LiteTweens with easeOutQuad and easeOutBounce ( On MLB release I calculate intermediate target for zenith:

    LiteTween_U.targetX = (Shadow.X+Shadow.Target_X)/2; // iso not implemented yet
    LiteTween_U.targetY = (Shadow.Y+Shadow.Target_Y)/2-jumpHeigth;

    and "On LiteTween_U end" I Start LiteTween_D... In theory, should work, however, all I get is just sliding Shadow and Character, no jumps.


    1) Is LiteTween an appropriate solution for the case? Better alternatives?

    2) How to correctly set conditions for LiteTween? Should I use two separate LiteTween behaviours for upward and downward motion or would it be sane to combine them into one?

    3) How to query LiteTween.TargetY? the Text prints just TargetX.

    4) Tips/tricks, like, auxiliary objects to store up and end targets?

    Tuts/references are welcome too. Ty in advance.

  • 6 posts