nacheto's Forum Posts

  • 10 posts
  • I've found out a problem with Node-Webkit's "Run file" action. The problem is that the path of the file to execute with the "run file" action must NOT have any spaces on it. Otherwise it doesn't work.

    I guess that's why it is not working in preview, using Node-Webkit as preview browser (at least for me), beacuse of the blank space in "Program Files" that is part of the AppFolder path.

    Link to .capx file:

    (this capx was made by GeometriX)

    Steps to reproduce:

    If you export this project, or any other using "run file", to the Desktop in a folder with NO spaces in its name and execute it, the run file action works perfectly (There is no spaces in the hole appfolder path). Then move the same folder (or export it again) to Program Files for example, execute it, and run file stopped working (because of the sapces in the Appfolder path), at least for me.

    We've been discussing this bug here too:

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: no

    Firefox: no

    Internet Explorer: no

    Node-Webkit: yes

    Operating system & service pack:

    I've experience this in two different pcs, one with Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64b, and the other one with Windows 8 Pro 64b.

    Construct 2 version:

    I've tested in R139, R140 and R141.

  • I've found out that the main problem was that the path of the file to execute with the "run file" action must NOT have any spaces in it. Otherwise it doesn't work.

    I guess that's why it is not working in preview, beacuse of the space in "Program Files".

    I've exported a project to the desktop in a folder with no spaces in its name, execute it, and the run file action works perfectly. And then move the same folder to Program Files, execute it, and run file stopped working.

  • I've finally make it work!!

    Exporting via Node WebKit but using the r140 release!

    Ashley, in my two pc`s at least, "run file" action doesn't work in r139 and in r141. It did work in r140. Seems that in r141 something might have broken node webkit's "run file" action

  • Hi GeometriX.

    I've tried your capx and it doesn't work here. It is really weird. I don't know what might be avoiding the execution of the .exe.

    I've tried it with R139 and R141. In two different pc, one running windows 7 Home Premium 64b and the other one with Windows 8 64b. I've also disabled the antivirus and even the firewall! But nothing...

    Ashley any ideas what might be happening??

  • GeometriX thanks for your reply!

    I've already tried with the slash and it didn't work :(

    I've tried it with and without slash, changing the paths, changing the .exe's etc and it never worked.

    Did you make it work?

  • any advice?

    Somebody that has used the run file action??

  • Hi,

    I am trying to use the Node webkit's action "Run file" to execute/run a program or open a file and I am not able to do this.

    For example, I've been trying to open the program "dxwebsetup.exe" present in the AppFolder and it does not do anything.

    I write the path like this: NodeWebkit.AppFolder & "dxwebsetup.exe"

    I've also try it using the UserFolder (placing the files in my user folder) and trying to open other .exe programs and other type of files like .pdf but it has never worked.

    I've try it in preview mode with Node-Webkit preview browser and also exporting the project with Node-Webkit and running it.

    Nevertheless, the "Write File" action, for example, did work. The only action I can't make work is "run file". And it is the one I need :(

    Somebody can help me??

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  • Sorry. I dont remember exactly the steps previous to that bug. I was just introducing new events and previewing the results. And suddenly the buttons disappeared.

    I'll try to reconstruct the steps if this happens again.

  • I've suffered the same problem that i have seen here:

    and here:

    The buttons (ok, cancel) in dialogs disappeared suddenly. In my case, only the buttons of the Parameters dialog disappeared. All the other dialogs were ok.

    First i've reinstalled C2 trying to fix it but it remains. Finally i saw these posts and i fixed it with "reset dialogs" in preference settings.

    In my case i doubt it has been a driver problem. I have my drivers up to date. and nothing failed or closed before it started happening. I was just introducing some events and previewing, and from one minute to the next the buttons disappear. (I was working with the physics behaviour in that moment, idk if that helps).

    I just post this to warn you that this bug is still there.

    Link to .capx file (required!):


    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes

    Firefox: yes

    Internet Explorer: yes

    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 8 Pro 64 bit

    Construct 2 version:

    R117 64 bit

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  • Is there some way to enable/disable a behaviour of a group of objects that belong to a layer in one only action. For example, disable "drag and drop" of 10 different objects that are all in the same layer in one action, not one by one. Families dont work for this in my case because in each layout the group of objects to enable/disable the behaviour is different and there would be many families to create.

    It would be great for me something like:

    If event -> System: Ignore objects in Layer (2)


  • 10 posts