n00bDooD's Forum Posts

  • 4 posts
  • : Sending a couple of values every tick is something i wouldnt recommend, its better to send it, maybe every 5 ticks or even 10 and use lerp to smooth out the movements. It all depends on how fast the game is, so for a fast-paced game, say a shooter, you'd need to send a lot more packets in a short time, but for a slower game, less packets and more lerp.

    I'm pretty sure there are other people who have said the same as me, and im sure there are people with better methods than me, but those are my recommendations ;)

  • Hey guys,

    Ive had a few people asking what exactly this site is, how it can benefit them, and what features of activities you can do on it

    so lets start with a list of sections that are existing in fragrush:

    1. Profile wall

    exactly like a normal social network the profile wall can be posted on by your friends and yourself updating every 10 seconds to give a live feed with the ability to use smiley's, most phpbb code and comment on other peoples posts.

    2. Profile info

    this is the easiest way for people to see exactly what games you play and the account names you use in each games, it also shows the threads you have subscribed to and different accounts such as psn, xbox live, steam and even gives you a chance to link to a website of your own.

    3. Private messages (pms)

    this is a system allowing you to have a more static method of communication without sharing the details with everyone on your friends list or to post something you need to use later. this works like most pm systems and is easy to select the suer you want to contact from a drop down list.

    4. Live chat

    just like other social networks this site comes with a personalised live chat system allowing you to select a friend and have a live chat using the bar at the bottom of the screen, with alerts when a new message is received. this also includes a list of friends showing their online status allowing you to see who is also using the site at the same time.

    5. Post count

    just like some forums, this site keeps track of how many posts you have made giving you a visible rank next to your name, with an indepth description page showing you how many posts you need till the next rank and where your previous posts have been. including a graphical representation making it even easier to understand.

    6. Blogs

    now making a blog is even easier to do all you need is a title and the text, with the added ability to use phpbb and smileys allowing you to style the blog exactly as you want to. people can even post comments below your blog.

    7. Podcast

    this site also hosts a popular podcast produced by members of the battlefield heroes community, with a new podcast each week and the ability to post comments below each podcast. you can also subscribe on itunes.

    8. Threads

    like most forums this website allows you to post threads, but this site also allows you to upload a thumbnail image and even a customised background that people will view when posting on your thread. and like all pages the threads update every 10 seconds giving you a live feed with eveyone in the conversation.

    9. Games

    this section is designed directly for gamers to talk about each game, learn tips, laugh at noobs and even talk about playing the game together. your post could even appear on the homepage as it cycles through the games supported.

    10. Live chat box

    not got any friends online? or enjoy meeting new people? then the live chat box will be a joy to use, being able to see posts from everyone who uses the site and the conversations can be about anything.

    11. Activities feed

    the fastest way to see what your friends are up to, or you can even subscribe to a thread or game allowing you to get the newest updates within 10 seconds of them being posted.

    12. Customisation

    select your own background and profile picture (gif's are supported) even customise the sites background and text colour (not in ie currently) your customisations are even displayed when people view your profile page or blog.

    12. Quick sign up

    all you need is a username and password,

    So why are you still reading this? go sign up today!


    ~Drebin (Fragrush Admin and creator)


  • Bump..


  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Hello! I am in the process of creating a action/adventure game in Construct Classic r1.2, and to accompany that i am creating a inventory.

    That inventory consists of an array. The objects are read from the array using single values. For example, a key has the value 1 and a sword the value 2. You get the idea.

    This works good, but i would like to access the Inventory array easily using functions and function parameters. So far i have managed to create a function that searches for either a free spot, or for an object of the same type and adds the object to the inventory.

    The problem is removing objects. What i am attempting to do it Pretty much the same as with adding. I'd like to have a function that checks if the object specified in the function parameter exist in the Inventory. So far my attempts have been successful.

    But from there, i'd need that function to fire another function, one that tells what object has been removed, or if it doesnt exist in the inventory (or in the quantity required).

    I have not figured out a simple and flexible way to perform this, so now i am turning to the community, and to people with better Construct knowledge than myself.

    I have stripped down my game to the bare minimum, although i fear i have removed an important object/event and therefore it is not functional.

    But hopefully it will give you a good idea of what i have at the moment and enabling you to give me pointers at what i should do next.

    Due to the stripped down .cap file's inability to function properly, i will also be providing you with the full (current version, its far from finished) .cap file for the game i am attempting to create.

    Download the stripped-down version here

    Download the "full" version here

    Thank you :)

  • 4 posts