MythStylz's Forum Posts

  • Hey, working on a multiplayer game and I have a function where if the button is clicked an attack changes... works great for the host.. for somereason not so much for peers. It does seem to work if I change it to the touch objects "on touched" but then I can't easily disable it (without destroying it). Do I have to give the mulitplayers control of the buttons? if so how do I do it.

  • Alright I just found this tutorial: and I think it may work for my title needs.

  • Yeah I just had that same problem trying to get my game on Kongregate, the double "" is quite a bit to convert in and out of

  • Please Help! My creative juices are flowing lol

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  • Beside that, you could try and reduce the times you check for collisions in your actual code. Say if you have your "check for collisions" on every tick you may want to push it back to being on a timed instance of every 0.1 to 0,2 seconds so it's not checking quite as much.

  • On the properties for each object on your layout their should be a Collisions Boolean, on anything your don't need to check collisions for turn that off (backgrounds, tiles, UI anything like that's got to go)

  • You could also theoretically just load the animation number / animation you want the object to start on onto on start of layout.

  • Yeah make it a global object and then just toggle the visible on layout B load then toggle it back on layout load A

  • Lol, that's exactly what I did with my first (and only so far) game. Two months in I was like alright it's good enough for now I gotta work on something else!

  • Well that's nifty

  • Use dt or a few other ways

    anyways I've recently read that capturing the system time and then saying that as a variable and then using that as the timer might be the best idea. Their are a few plugins or this tutorial:

    Opps somebody beat me to it

  • Hey, I was looking at trying to create a new multiplayer game and have been looking around at the tutorials but I haven't find anything that answers this two questions? the first and most prevalent is say I make a "Semi" turn based (i.e. like civ where turns are taken simultaneously.) Because I'm not super worried about lag (everybody has 20-30 seconds to respond.) I'm not to worried about "Game instances" per say (at least yet). What I am interested is if their is a way to create a "Champion" at each lvl.

    I'm already thinking about starting the game out on the Scirra arcade then go to Clay.Io so using that framework may be the best idea. I recognize that they have a leader board (Playtomic plugin for scirra) and was thinking I could do something like this: Set up the leader board, then when somebody "Wins" the championship they get registered as their level number on the high score board and then clear out anybody else who has that score? Is their a better way of doing this? any suggestions ideas would be great!

    The second question I have is what happens when the host leaves a match? Does the WebRTC automatically find another user and make them host? or do I some how program that into my game?

    Anyways if anybody has any thoughts or ideas let me know, I really want to see if this is possible before I go threw with my design documents.


    Kyle Stylz

  • Alright, I ended up just converting my JSON into a text string and then placing it actually in Construct 2 using the JSON plugin. It's going to make updating the game a bit tougher but it will do!

  • Maybe make the part that "Compares text" into an or event and then place each word into that or event? You could also probably make an array and then check the word against the array and then do array condition contains value textbox text......

  • I'm not sure if this changes anything, but your requesting a php file in your example. typically that will also load the php code.. Shouldn't you be directing it to JSONinfo.JSON .

    Usually you can check by going to your file and downloading it and opening it in a JSON editor......

    Beside that you should also make sure the formatting is the same as Constructs AJAX JSON read.. the easiest way to do this is build the JSON in the game and then debug it and copy that codes format..

    hope this is helpful.