MySweetCandyMan's Forum Posts

  • 5 posts
  • Ther is NO 'on item get' condition in that screenshot. None . Zip.

    Now Work. TNKS!!!

  • Where is the ''On item get' in there ?

  • I Study your solution and i to try use in my project. Tnks.

  • Tnks for a reply!

    But this is my solution:

    In this moment i have 2 Layouts. First Layout with "Start" Button and the second Layout with game engine.

    Layout Home

    LocalStorage --> Check Item "Total_Coins" Exist

    LocalStorage --> On Item "Total_Coins" Missing

    Dictionary --> Add Key Get_Total_Coins with value 0

    LocalStorage --> Set Item "Total_Coins" to 0

    LocalStorage --> On Item "Total_Coins" Exists

    LocalStorage --> Get Item "Total_Coins"

    Dictionary --> Add Key Get_Total_Coins with valueLocalStorage.ItemValue

    Layout Game

    Global number Coins = 100

    Global number Get_Total_Coins = 0

    LocalStorage --> Check Item "Total_Coins" Exist

    LocalStorage --> On Item "Total_Coins" Exists

    Set Get_Total_Coins to Dictionary("Total_Coins")

    Set Get_Total_Coins to Get_Total_Coins + Coins

    LocalStorage --> Set Item "Total_Coins" to Get_Total_Coins

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  • I get the value Local Storage "Total_coins" and i put them into the 'Get_Total_Coins' Variable. I Add 'Get_Total_Coins' Variable value to 'Coins' Variable (toal coins get a the end of game). Finally i put 'Get_Total_Coins' variable value in the Local Storage "Total_coins". When i insert this variable the value enter into loop (add 'Get_Total_Coins' + 'Coins' infinity)


    Global number Coins = 100

    Global number Get_Total_Coins = 0

    LocalStorage --> Check Item "Total_Coins" Exist

    LocalStorage --> On Item "Total_Coins" Exists

    LocalStorage --> Get Item "Total_Coins"

    LocalStorage --> Set Get_Total_Coins to LocalStorage.ItemValue

    Set Get_Total_Coins to Get_Total_Coins + Coins

    LocalStorage --> Set Item "Total_Coins" to Get_Total_Coins

  • 5 posts