Mynameisjeff's Forum Posts

  • 10 posts
  • I'm sorry this is late but your reply didn't solve all of my problems. sometimes when one Enemybox is triggered it will mess up the other Enemyboxes. Here is a cap that that shows what I'm basically trying to do.


  • Well that worked so thank you :)

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  • Hey Guys,

    I have multiple instances of an enemy and multiple instances of a sprite called Enemybox. Enemy and EnemyBox both have a pv called '#' which i use to set their positions.

    +EnemyBox: pick by EnemyBox('#')=Enemy('#')

    -EnemyBox: set position to enemy

    And then when the player goes into an Enemybox i want the Enemy (with the same '#' as the Enemybox) to set a pv it has called 'target' to 1, so i use

    +Enemy: pick by Enemy('#')=EnemyBox('#')

    +EnemyBox: overlaps player

    -Enemy: set 'target' to 1

    But when i do this it makes only 1 random instance of Enemy anywhere on the layout target the player. Can someone please help me?

    Thank you.

  • Do you mean that it constantly adds 10 to global('x')? If so, you can just add another condition under system called Trigger Once While True

  • I figured out that if you click the first event in an event sheet and then hold "shift" and click the last one that it will select all the events between the two and then you can ctrl+C (copy) and then ctrl+V (paste) into a new event sheet

  • Thanks :)

  • of two different sprites entirely

  • Is there a way to compare private variables of different objects? if there is can somebody please tell me because it would reduce the amount of events I'm using by a lot.

  • Is there any way to have music continue from 1 layout to another?

  • I am new to construct and i want to know how to set text to a global variable.

    For example:

    1. I have a text box and global variable "score"

    2. I go to the event sheet, click the text box, and then click set text

    And then i don't know what to type into the box to have the text box show the global variable.

  • 10 posts