MxSmack's Forum Posts

  • 11 posts
  • > Closing as won't fix. I don't know why you expect moving an immovable object to work!


    Sorry if I wasted your time, I shouldn't post bugs as I don't know the software that much, I did it anyway because a more experienced user told me it could be a bug.

    Again sorry, and thanks for looking into it!

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  • Closing as won't fix. I don't know why you expect moving an immovable object to work!

  • Your else statement is in the wrong place.

    It only reacts to the A is down. If A is not down the else statement takes over.

    Hey thanks for helping, should I make a variable then? I've tried putting the else under "D" key and tried putting two elses one under "D" and another under "A" key and keeps doing the same problem.

    Thanks a lot by the way, this is very helpful.

  • Hello guys,

    So I've been trying to make a custom movement for a character and I'm still getting used to C2 so I found some issues doing this.

    My problem right now is when I assign more than one key to move the character such as:

    D = Move right and A = Move left.

    The character seems just to respond to the last assigned key which was "A" key. I would be very thankful if someone more experienced could take a look at it and point out what I'm doing wrong, so I'll leave a .capx as an attachment.

    If someone if wandering where did I got the animations for this character such as running and idle, you can get them at David Hellman's "Braid Graphic Briefcase", which a link I can't post as I'm a new member of C2 community.

    Let me thank you in advance and I hope to get some help as I'm really excited learning this amazing tool. Thanks a lot!

  • Here you go.couple of issues with the project nothing major but some of your image-points was not positioned

    Also you don't need a global variable to pick up an object it would be best to use a Boolean instance variable on the object you want to pick up.

    I hope I helped!

    Just tried your .capx, it works with no problems, and it means it can get objects in the air which is awesome. And know that I know about boolean variables I will get some more information about it.

    Thanks a lot!

  • [quote:ig2gwu06]

    As far as I can tell, If the player is on a solid object, that does not happen, the platform doesn't recognize the bound to layout as solid boundaries, and so it keeps falling and being replaced constantly, and this is visible through the object you are holding (with a max fall speed of 0, the player doesn't fall and isn't being replaced inside the layout, so that odesn't happen).

    The solution is to have a solid ground, however, I agree that the bound to layout feels weird sometimes

    Yes, could be it, I'll try it tomorrow, I really posted this because I wanted to be helpful I hope I'm not messing up here.

    Thanks a lot!

  • Problem Description

    ____ Hello, first of all thanks for looking into it, I'm relatively new to C2 but as I asked some help with a feature on the forums a more experienced user tried to help me but he told me to maybe post it has a bug. I will try to explain everything as detailed as I can:

    • I tried to make player's character actively pick up and drop objects in a 2D setting, after trying a while it did but it turns out when the character picks up the object, the item starts to shake and it never get to the precise position in which I wanted him to go in the first place.
    • So then user nimos100 looked into it and found out it was related to max falling speed, which for him it's not normal at all. - "if you run the game in debug mode and pickup the green ball then select the player and change Max falling speed to 0 then it stops jumping around.

    To me that doesn't seem to work correctly, the green ball being linked to the players imagepoint shouldn't get influenced by the players max falling speed. Also as you change the Max falling speed the green ball actually moves upwards, which again seems wrong to me,"

    This is a link to where this conversation occurred: (Ups, can't post it but the name of the post is "How do I make player pick objects.")

    So, to sum it up the problem seem to be the max falling speed making the item when picked up shake.____

    Attach a Capx

    ____ [attachment=0:25x29hn8][/attachment:25x29hn8] It's uploaded as an attachment. ____

    Description of Capx

    ____ It has a player and an item, it should pick up the item by pressing the "E" key, and drop it with "Q" key. The item, which is green should shake a lot when picked up, (which I don't want to but it happen) nevertheless the problem is this "object shaking is related to max falling speed of the platform behavior applied to player. ____

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Run the layout.
    • When overlapping this "green item" object press "E" Key.
    • The item would start to shake as soon it's picked up. "Q" to drop it.

    Observed Result

    ____ I kinda already answered this above, but the "visual" result of it, it's object shaking. ____

    Expected Result

    ____ The item stops shaking, even though the bug that is or may be happening has a probability of not solving my problem. ____

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    ____ Windows 8,1 Pro (don't know the service pack sorry) ____

    Construct 2 Version ID

    ____ ID? Version 139 64-bit? ____

  • I see what you mean, its a bit weird.

    I tested it and it seems that it might be a bug with the platform behavior, I haven't used it a lot, so maybe im wrong.

    But if you run the game in debug mode and pickup the green ball then select the player and change Max falling speed to 0 then it stops jumping around.

    To me that doesn't seem to work correctly, the green ball being linked to the players imagepoint shouldn't get influenced by the players max falling speed. Also as you change the Max falling speed the green ball actually moves upwards, which again seems wrong to me, in a way that the imagepoint of the player, moves according to the max falling speed.

    But as I said I have never really used that behavior so maybe im missing something, that someone that have used it knows. But personally I would make a bug report on it and maybe Ashley can verify if its working as intended or not. But to me it seems like a bug.

    Alright I see, I will look into it and try to make a report, I have to say I'm not really familiar with Construct 2 so I might have made lot's of mistakes. As controling the character, do you think I should use custom controls rather than platform?

    And let me thank you again for your help, thanks a lot and a learned a few more things about C2 on the way.

    Thanks be well.

  • Ok I understand you now, the shaking of the object is due to you having to copy the imagepoint_1 to the other frames the way I told you in the first post. As I looked at it, some of the frames doesn't have imagepoint_1 and for some of them its not at the same position.

    The reason is that as your character goes through each frame, it will stay at imagepoint_1 as you told it, but if its not the same for all the frames, it will shake as it moves to the position of the imagepoint for that frame.

    So what you do to be more specific is you place the imagepoint where you want it on frame 0, when you are happy with that, you right click it in the list of imagepoints and tell it to copy it to the rest of the animation, its called "Apply to whole animation" then it will copy the imagepoint to all the other frames.

    Ok, so following your advice I place every imagepoint to all frames and it did not work, so I deleted all the frames to make sure it would not shake the object, turns out it did. This is so wierd, I don't really see what might be causing this. o_o Did it worked for you? Because I might have done it wrong.

    And you are saying it's not the item it's shaking but the character it self? Thanks a lot.

  • Not really sure what the problem is?

    Tested your capx and it seems to work just fine, the only thing I could find, which is not really relevant to your problem, is that you have to make sure that imagepoint 1 is copied to the other frames.

    You can do that by simply right click it in the image editor and choose copy to whole animation or something like that.

    But maybe I misunderstood what you meant regarding your problem.

    Wow, thanks a lot for such a quick reply, my problem now it's the object when it's picked "shakes" a lot and does not stays precisely at imagepoint one.

    The cause of the problem could be in the animation because I would not have the same point in all frames and as the point would change so would the position of the item, but look's like it's shaking anyway. I wonder what that could be.

    Thanks a lot nimos, if you have any other sugestions for what might solve the problem, please feel free to share them.

  • Hello guys, I discovered Construct 2 and started playing with it, after some time I decided I wanted to make player's character picks up items and drop them actively.

    Let me start by saying how thankful I am for some of you brilliant people lookin into this and actually trying to help and contributing, I am not a game developer I just to this for fun as an hobby, so I'm sorry if I tried to do it the wrong way or missed some relevant details, fell free to tell me! (.capx below)

    So I got on it and tried lot's of ways to do it (including pin) without success, at first character would pick up the item but if character moves the item would stay on the same place. After a few more tries I made it pick up the item and it would accompany player. This is just to give you some information about what problems I ran into and here's some more details:

    My objective:

      Make a character, controled by player which picks up objects and holds them when pressing a key;
      Pressing this key again would make player drop the object in question;
      Also it's important the picked up object follows a imagepoint, for example is player picks up a pistol, this pistol has to follow his hand.
      I was planning to use this to make player change equipments and each part (head,torso,legs) easly with no problems, this would allow characters to use different equipment combinations since everything is attached to a different position.

    How I though I would do it:

      Having to sprites, player and item;
      If they were overlapping and "E" key was pressed two things would happen. One it would set a variable to 1, and two it would disable item's physics; If this variable is set to one it would set item's position to the same as imagepoint 1 which belongs to player;
      If key "Q" is pressed this variable is set to 0.

    Thanks a lot in advance!


  • 11 posts