mwpierce63's Forum Posts

  • 7 posts
  • Thanks so much xpentor and charlizzle! I like your games and appreciate you showing me what can be done. I now have confidence that C2 + Xdk has the performance I need for my games. I will most likely purchase a license for C2 based upon viewing your results. Nice work!!!


  • Hi, can you point out which games were made using C2 + Xdk? I'd like to see some examples of the performance I can possibly get out of C2 + Xdk before I buy a license.

  • Can someone name off a few games that are on Google Play that are of the space shooter genre that were made with Construct 2 + Xdk? I'd like to see how published games perform.

  • Oh, and by the way, I'm using your tutorial on Android publishing to prove out performance:

    www dot scirra dot com/tutorials/1156/publishing-to-android-via-intelxdk-and-appsigner

  • Ashley - how do I force GPU rendering to be on?

  • Hi All,

    thanks for the replies however I am not yet convinced of the performance. Has anyone published a space shooter using Construct 2 + Xdk similar to Space Blaster that I can install (paid is fine) and demonstrate the performance? I agree with Zenox98's position however I want to be confident that something like Space Blaster will translate to a game with good performance before I invest in HTML5 development. I just heard about this from an Intel guy last week while at GDC Next which is why I'm investigating this now.

    Thanks for your help,


  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Hi All,

    I'm new to this so I thought I would take the Space Blaster demo project and try exporting it to Android using C2 + XDK. While I was successful in doing so, following instructions on this site, the resulting app runs pretty choppy with a frame rate in the 9-10 fps neighborhood. Since I'm using the free version of C2 I exported Space Blaster as a web page and imported it in XDK then built it using the Crosswalk for Android option. When I install it on my Samsung Note 3 and Samsung Galaxy Pro 8.4 it is choppy. Could the problem be that I'm using the free version of C2 and exporting as an HTML5 webpage then importing into XDK? Any hints as to what I should be doing that might improve the performance?



  • 7 posts