mtpw's Forum Posts

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  • Thanks for your reply. I'm using the built in physics so I don't have to worry about programming them myself and I also use them to calculate damage (which will be different from planet to planet due to gravity)

    I'm not sure if placing only physic blocks where at least one block is empty will help or minimize the update time. Just to be clear: I use a tilemap object so it's not like I spawn every block as a single sprite instance or something.

    Yes I already disabled that during digging because I else couldn't even dig into the blocks (without a big workaround to reduce the collision mask each move.

    Not sure if it even matters if my ghost tilemaps are not even created unless I'm in range for the physics disable them self after a specific idle time.

  • Okay I tested it with the ghost tilemap approach:

    It was the size of the tilemap. I can make it up to 100 tiles deep on the whole width with small lag (2-3 frames). I think I'll make one ghost every 75 block depth.

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  • Hey I'm Michael, 23 and something years old and I'm currently trying to build a game which is similar to Motherload but adds some new approaches, mechanics and maybe even different worlds to visit with unique properties and dangers.

    I'm a professional media designer with personal focus on 3D and I have good understanding of programming but are too lazy to learn the "vocabularies" of programming languages so I prefer Node based programming like XPresso in Cinema4D and that's why I'm absolutely in love with Construct2.


  • I'd like to pick up the topic but in another context:

    I'm currently building a dig&collect game ( pretty similar to Motherload if some can recall this classic hit ) and I'm using Physics to deal damage due to velocity at impact etc.

    My ground is a tileset (currently 130x400, I'll change it to a max of 75x1000) with a physics and immovable behaviour assigned. If I dig and delete a tile however I get some 3-5 frame lag. I took a look into Debuging and I saw that the physics in the Profiler went up to 40-50% CPU usage for this time.

    I don't know how the physics updater work but I guess it's lagging because it has to reevaluate the whole tileset or at least the whole visible screen. Is there a way to alter the update routine or do I have to use ghost tilemaps which are just about 75x25 or rather 25x25 in size? I haven't tested this ghost tilemap approach yet but I think this could help...

    Best regards


  • 4 posts