msureda's Forum Posts

  • 14 posts
  • Hi, here's what i'm trying to do:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    I have multiple physics instances of the same object "redball", when created, every redball has one random number "ballvalue" asigned.

    What i want is to destroy both colliding balls if they have the same "ballvalue" without affecting any other ball.

    Anyone has a clue?

    Thank you.

  • Hi guys, i'm really interested in this. Any updates?

  • Hi, can anyone help me with this?

    I have one sprite and i want to keep spawning the same sprite randomly on the screen, how could I avoid them spawning where it's another instance of the sprite?

    I've tried to check collisions when the sprite is created, and if true move the sprite to a new random location, but it either moves both colliding sprites or does not move any.

    Hope you can help me! :)


    I've rebuild the whole game trying to fix some errors, now the performance should go better on those who were getting really low fps.

    Please feedback.

  • Hi Andy, I used phonegap online builder, i'm working to compile the game myself. :)

    Do anybody knows about performance problems with html5 games and some devices? I can't find why it's really laggy in some phones, I think its using too much cpu usage.

    Any tips? I tried everything to make it more playable.

    BTW Updated the post with images :)

  • Hi again!


    I know about the performance issues, i'm working hard to fix them and some other minor bugs. For now I can't find why i having that performance issue in some devices, maybe i'll rebuid the code. For now I dont have an Android device so it's a bit difficult.


    Again, i'm working on the fix for these minor bugs like sound or the help menu.

    The game it's meant to be difficult but I'll maybe change that.

    And for the network permissions, I didn't know about that, but thanks.

    I build the code with phonegap.

    Thank you guys for testing it. I'll fix problems soon with a update.

    This is only the beggining of the game.



  • Hi thehen, i'm working on it, hope to have it soon :)

  • <img src="" border="0" />

    Hi guys!

    I'm a game developer student in Spain.

    For this first year they asked us to develop simple games with Construct.

    I've worked for about 2 months in this, and here's the result:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

    I'd love that you try it, it's a really simple game but i hope you like it.

    Any comments / rate in the Playstore or here are welcome, so I'll improve it with updates and improve my designing skills.

    iOS version comming soon.

    Thanks :)


    I've rebuild the whole game trying to fix some errors, now the performance should go better on those who were getting really low fps.

    Please feedback.

  • Hi,

    I'm making a brain training like game.

    I want my game to spawn a random question with several random answers, and only one is the correct. So the answer appears in a random place on the screen.

    How can i do when i spawn the question to spawn the answers and make sure they don't overlap them and one of them is the correct answer?

    Sorry for my english.


    <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Hi, what I want is to everytime i swipe my finger, to destroy every object i've touched before when my finger stops touching the screen. Something similar to fruit ninja when you swipe 3 fruits in a combo, but destroying them once i stop touching.

    There's any way to do this in construct?

    Sorry for my english.


  • Hi, first of all i think this is a easy question but i've searched on the forums and tutorials and i have found no way to do this, sorry.

    I have 4 different objects, let's name them 1,2,3,4. What i want is to make them fall randomly. Every second we should have a line of 4 objects, like: "1,1,3,2" or "4,3,1,2"...

    How can i do this?

    Thanks. :)

  • Hi, let's see if anyone can help me:

    I want to have multiple ragdoll physics sprites in my scene.

    For example i have one "Cow" with two revolute joints for "leg1" and "leg2". This is fancy.

    But if i try to copy/paste the full ragdoll even thought i added the "For each" behavior my scene turns crazy and incontrolable.

    There's any way to make this possible without having to rename the ragdoll to "Cow2", "leg3", "leg4"... and respective events?


  • Thanks guys! I fixed it

  • Hi, i've searched for this question in the forums and i didn't found anything.

    I'm starting with construct2, so sorry if it's a stupid question and if my english is bad.

    I have multiple barrels in my scene, and i want to explode them when falling into the ground at some speed.

    I've tried comparing two values and destroying the barrels if "Barrel.Physics.Y" speed is greater or equal than 100 and if the barrel collides the ground.

    But i dont know why it only works with one of my barrels in the scene instead of working in all of them.

    So, can anyone help?


  • 14 posts