Mrx32's Forum Posts

  • For each "Woodstock" -->add wood to wood prouct

    Problem is looping so I try it

    For each "Woodstock"

    trigger once -->add wood to wood prouct

    Only count it once

    after I try to take directly The instance that allows to count the variable "Wood" that is to say "trunk"

    et j'ai essayer ceci

    but even his kidding,

  • You need to add up values from all instances?

    > Set GlobalVar to 0
    System For each SpriteA -> Add (SpriteA.truk) to GlobalVar


    i try but is more complicate


    I already try but it's not enough ..

    I will detail my problem lol ..

    basically the global variable "wood product" is a resource counter that depends on several building "Woodstock" which they have a variable instance "wood" so

    The variable changes with specific conditions (selects the number of objects on another object "Zone" to count the whole ")

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  • I have trouble explaining myself ...

    I have an object: A, with variable of instance "truc" which changes according to certain condition ...

    I have several object A and I wish to add them in a global variable.

    But the problem I have for now is that either it runs in a loop or does not add up ..

  • hi,

    how to add a variable of several same instance .. all store in a global variable.


    Ex: A IId: 0 Variable "truc" : 3

    A IId: 1 Variable "truc" : 4

    A IId: 2 Variable "truc" : 14

    Ect ...

  • Merci pour tout ...

    It works but I just realized that its too much resource for the big maps I have to look for that it only acts on a fixed distance between the set and the player

  • Hello I would like to know how I can do to check each tile of a tilemap to create a sprite ex tile = 22

  • Good morning,

    I have a small problem I explain to you ....

    I want to make sure that the object "AZ" brings the object "storage I ..." to the sprite Storage Icon ..

    This one works once, but does not start again ... (finds it, and has a Storage Icon)

    My problem is the.

    I want "Az" to do it each time a "storage I" object is in the pre-filled conditions (on the game for example ..)

    En français

    Bien le bonjour,

    J'ai un petit problème je vous l'explique ....

    Je souhaite faire en sorte que l'objet " AZ" apporte l'objet "stockage I..." au sprite Stockage Icone..

    Celui ci fonctionne une fois, mais ne recommence pas ...( le trouve, et l'apporte a Stockage Icone)

    Mon problème est la .; je souhaite que "Az" le fasse à chaque fois qu'un objet "stockage I.." soit dans les condition préalablement remplie ( sur le jeux par exemple ..)

    Merci pour tous...

  • Thank you it was well its !! I delete the 0.5 is its function

  • ok....

    I try to put a behavior (flash) to remedy it but nothing does ...

    Thanks anyway.

  • Hello, I have a small problem

    I want to flasher all the targeted objects (Adetruire) by (Ab), knowing that several instances (Ab) are on the map

    With what I currently only one is flasher but not the others .. would anyone have an idea ??

    Merci d'avance , Thx

  • Perfect thank you ... I do not have to think ..

  • Hi ....

    how to clear the tiles ( tilemap) around an object..

    I tried the function with "erase range" but her only takes what the opposite and negative does not work


  • Français...

    Salut Bjrs ,, Bon j'ai un petit problème je souhaiterai faire un event d'un objet appelé castor2 qui ramasse les objets au fur et à mesure qu'il apparaisse sur le sol et qu'il les amène à un objet Place de stockage

    Voici ce que ça me donne à l'heure actuelle ... mais je trouve cela un peu lourd. Quelqu'un aurai-t-il une idée pour simplifier tous sa....


    Hi ,, Well I have a small problem I will wish to make an event of an object called castor2 who collects objects as it appears on the floor and it leads to a storage space object

    Here's what it makes me right now ... but I find it a bit heavy. Someone will-tany idea to simplify all its

    Merci, thx ....

  • Ok, but how to display a grid iso ... With a sprite ???

  • ... I would create an event that will allow me to create a wall .. With ghosts positions that will be possible to create

    And indeed I will look with the pin behavior ??