mrneko's Forum Posts

  • Thanks guys. I've come up with a solution some time ago based on Fidasx's suggestion but forgot to update this thread here. I'll mark this as solved.

  • I sort of came up with a workaround. Basically assign a global variable to them and disable events following collision. That solved the issue in my case. Probably not the best way but it worked somehow.

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  • I have an event where

    Object A:On collision with object B, set all objects on layout destroyed.

    I have about 5 different objects on the layout and I put them in a family, where I can destroy them on collision.

    When I restart the layout after that, Object A is spawned twice immediately, instead of just one.

    Is there a solution to this? I thought I already destroyed all objects before the layout restarts.

  • C-7

    Yes. I know that's the case and I've been trying to get it to work based on Ashley's tutorial. But even using trigger once while true, set them to group and all other methods. Just can't seem to get this one to work. Regardless of whichever condition I use. It all goes back to a loop. I might not know some of the advanced technique yet though. I am looking at Else statement now. Thanks for pointing out.

    *Update* Got this to work with Else subevents. Thanks again!

  • Hi everyone,

    I am trying have an event where button A is pressed, the sprite will turn 90 degrees clockwise and when the same button is pressed it will turn back to the original position which is -90 degrees from the new position.

    I set a global variable - rotation = 0 where button A is pressed, add 1 to rotation and check when rotation is 1, rotate -90 clockwise. However, it becomes a loop that causes the sprite to not turn at all. I guess the system check is instant. How do I work around this?



  • Fidasx

    Thanks for your input.

    I forgot to add something. I want to create Object B after Object A has been destroyed and Object C after Object B Has been destroyed. When Object C has been destroyed, it goes back to create Object A and so on.

    Hope it doesn't confuse you.

  • Hi everyone,

    I use the following event to spawn random enemies:

    System: Every tick - System: Set randomenemy to floor(random(3))

    System: randomenemy = 0 - System: Create object A

    System: randomenemy = 1 - System: Create object B

    System: randomenemy = 2 - System: Create object C

    I would like to know the way to spawn enemy in sequence. Like create A, B and C then repeat A, B and C.



  • Thanks! Got it.

  • Hi,

    I've looked everywhere but there isn't a definite answer. I noticed some tutorial advised that when exporting with Intel XDK for Android, the "Signed" column should be unchecked. Is it better to do the signing process manually instead of using their service.

  • LittleStain


    I just made it work but it doesn't seem to be what I intended to do.

    I tried the following:

    ON Pause button: Set time scale to 0

    Set Resume button time scale to 1

    On Resume button: Set Timer "resume" for 3 (Once)

    On Timer "resume: System set time scale to 1

    and also this:

    ON Pause button: Set time scale to 0

    On Resume button: Set Resume button time scale to 1

    Set Timer "resume" for 3 (Once)

    On Timer "resume": System set time scale to 1

    It's still stuck when I click on the Resume button.

    The only one that works is this:

    ON Pause button: Set time scale to 0

    Set Resume button time scale to 1

    Set Timer "resume" for 3 (Once)

    On Timer "resume": System set time scale to 1

    However, the game resumes on its own without pressing the Resume button after 3 seconds.

  • Is on timer part of system? Can't find it anywhere.

  • Thanks for explaining. I still don't really get how it works though. I have added the timer behavior but the game resumes right away, not after 5 seconds after I click the resume button. If you don't mind, a simple capx will be of great help.

  • Hi everyone,

    I have included an event to pause game where on click object, system: set time scale to 0

    I want to be able to resume to game after a few seconds after player clicks on the resume button.

    I set system: wait 5 seconds followed by system: set time scale to 1.0 but the screen just froze there.

    Is there a way to work around this?

  • Thanks terrancd. It worked

  • Hi,

    I have set a condition so that when score > 10 a notification will appear on screen as sprite. How do I make it so that it only appear once .. so that when the next time the player score more than 10 it won't appear again?