mOOnpunk's Forum Posts

  • The way i did it for my sim game was to have the tiles on a bottom layer, then another layer above for the buildings and people. I kept it simple by putting only the buildings and shadows into a family to z order. Once i sorted them i then picked each of the shadows child character by storing the characters uid in the parent shadow and moving it above its shadow. This means no matter where the child is it is always correct to the parent. Notice how the people characters can bounce, and how the ships are also correct and building icons too with no worry for origin points.

    Sorry for poor quality.

  • I'd also really like to have these suggestions.

  • Gigatron i will try it. Thank you.

  • I don't think so. I wanted to do some thing similar so i ended up using dictionary object.

  • Do you know about the Pick top/bottom condition?

    "Pick either the top-most or bottom-most instance, taking in to account layers and Z index. For example, the instance at the front of the top most layer is the top instance."

  • Thanks so much for your help.

  • Thanks for the example, and taking the time to help, but i'm not sure what it does.

    I'm really look for the maths formula to give me the correct percentage. I'm probably trying to cram too much into one value. I'll have to try a new approach


  • yes thats correct.

  • Can anyone out there convert Somebody's "Shift" effect over to C3 please.

    Shader file


    Thank you.

  • Hello, i'm stuck with a maths question i hope you can help with.

    Say to be 100% (A) needs = 5 of (B), 12 of (C), 2 of (D).

    5+12+2 = 19

    But (A) currently has say 1(B), 8 (C), 1(D).

    so i know it has 1+8+1=10 , which is 10/19*100 = 52.6% of total (A) needs to be whole.

    Here is the problem i can't get my head around.

    (A) might have more of one or all of (B),(C) or (D) then it needs.

    for example 12(B) instead, but it only needs 5(B).

    I want to make it so the value can be greater than 100%, but doing 12+8+1 = 21/12*100 = 110% is incorrect as it still does not have enough of (C) or (D) it needs.

    Thank you for your help.

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  • Since the last update the debug preview button seems to have been removed from menu and is now only in the drop down menu. Why did you remove it? It was a extemely useful shortcut, having to go into the drop down menu all the time gets old fast. Please can you put it back?

  • Ashley

    is it possible to sort out the expressions dictionary window when system object it selected, the expressions are very far apart for some reason and the info is all squashed up at one end. It doesnt matter how the window is resized, and it makes finding things difficult.

    Also if possible, when selecting an objects variable can it be identified which are values and which strings (perhaps have it in brackets at the end of the variable name in a differnt colour), and also which are family variables, as these can be accessed in the object as well.

  • Have you unchecked the "repeat" box in the objects crouch animation?

  • It's not possible until the SDK is finished.

  • My project is still quite small, it's not being exported and preview is not running. My computer sounds like its doing something and its making the editor lag but the message wont go.

    I've never encountered this before, is it normal? Ashley
