mOOnpunk's Forum Posts

  • Well first you need to work out the width of the screen, incase you are using unbound scrolling the top left of layout is no longer 0, so to get the screen width use viewportRight - viewportLeft.

    Now you need to get the width of all your blocks put together, so combined block width = block.width * number of blocks on a row.

    Then you need to work out how much space is left over for your gaps in-between blocks and divide that by number of blocks, so gap = (screen width - combined block width) / number of blocks on a row.

    Now to do the actual spacing, you can arrange blocks by their IIDs using the optional instance parameter block(IID).expression, so you would do - repeat number of block times, set block(loopindex).x to viewportLeft+(blockwidth*loopindex)+gap

    Same for height.

    I didn't test it so dont know if it works as intended.

  • By web font he means "Web Open Font Format" or font.woff file.

    There are lots on the internet you can download, or free converters online that will convert .TTF files.

    You then add them to your project under the fonts folder, and they can then be accessed by the text object as normal. They are then exported with the project.

  • Dark Theme is known to run slower, particularly in the sprite editor.

  • Seems like it just uses raytracing to get where the ball will be. I think for ai to be fun you need to give the impression at least that its not "cheating" which is essentially what its doing.

    Also having the ball fire from the halfway line to start is a bit unfair since if you can't get the paddle to it in time the ai gets the point for not doing anything. If its serving it should start from the ai paddle. In Pong the ball is stuck to the paddle until you press the mouse in which case it is released, this allows you to created the angle of shot against your opponent.

  • Oh i see now, i'll give it a go thanks.

  • I mean a corner where 2 walls meet, like an L shape. In your example if you put a wall going vertical next a wall going horizontal the path goes through the corner.

  • First, you could add directional conditions on wall tiles and its opposite tile, so an entity could walk along it but not through it.

    Like this (grass tiles act as walls) : ... .capx?dl=0

    Hey this is great. How would you handle the 4 corner walls though? I can't seem to get the right combination of directions.

  • If you indicate that the function has a return value, then it can only be called as an expression and not as an action. Only functions without any return parameter can be used as an action

    Ah that explains it, thanks.

  • This happens to me as well. If i create a new function and set its return value to anything other than "none" then that function doesn't appear in the list, so it can't be called.

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  • Ashley Can you please change the colour of the function text for the dark theme, i'm colourblind and its unreadable for me unless i highlight it by clicking on it, so the event background becomes light.

  • Is "set obstacle" and "set specific tile cost" actions broken? I can't get them to work. C3 runtime.

  • Thylacine

    here c3runtime version.

    Has this been out a while, or have you just converted it recently?

    Anyway thanks for this!

  • Ashley is it possible to have multiple return values, also to name those as well?

  • I'd like to see rex_slg_movement, and its dependancies rex_board and rex_ginstgroup. Still one of the best pathfinding options. Hope they get converted one day.

  • > Experimenting with populous type map manipulation, plus mini map.

    mOOnpunk Looks pretty cool. I've no idea how to even begin making that!

    What are your plans for a game with that manipulation?

    Never heard of Populous before, had to look it up. It looks like a DOS-Win95 era game with a literal god mode, lol.


    It's older than DOS-Win95, i played it on the Amiga in the 80's!

    I was working on a DungeonKeeper type game and thought about moving the dungeon above ground and having it in a castle instead. You would manipulate the levels and each one would give you access to different room types to build, starting from sand/beach at the bottom to snowy mountains at the top.

    Unfortunately i'm not good at finishing games, i find its more the challenge of "can i do it" that drives me, once i know i can i loose interest. Originally i was using a foreach loop on each iso sprite tile, but on a large 100x100 map it was far to slow so i moved all the calculations into an array and set the iso tiles height and graphics at the end, now theres no slow down.

    I also have pathfinding working, which uses the mini map, which is actually a tilemap, the path is plotted and the coordinates are then translated to their corresponding iso tiles.