Monstercrunch's Forum Posts

  • 5 posts
  • Also for me =/

  • Thanks ! I learned a lot with your response =)

  • Hi, I've got a little problem with the "Set angle toward" function.

    My game is something like that:

    -A button to create a new platform (physic object, drag&drop)

    -A default platform that is created when the layer is loaded

    -A a bal that is used to set the angle of the platform.

    So, that I want to do is:

    -When I click on the button, it create a new platform at the center of the layer.

    -When I click on one platform, the ball go to the right side of it, and when I stay clicking the ball, the angle of the "selected" platform change following the ball (the mouse so).

    that it really happen:

    -When I click on the button, it create a new platform at the center of the layer.

    -When I click on one platform, the ball go to the right side of it.

    -When I stay clicking the ball, the angle of ALL platforms change following the ball (the mouse so).

    Here is my event sheet:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Screens of the problem:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

    So, what I have to do to just move the latest platform selected and not all the platform created ?

    Thanks (sorry for the english mistakes, I'm french).

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  • I read it yesterday and it's written, I quote :

    "Standard license

    Once you get a standard license, all the limits are removed. You can use all Construct 2's features and make games as large as you like. You also get extra sound effects, music and sprite packs to help you get started making games!



    Individuals can use their license on as many computers as they like, as long as only one person uses it (see Using your license below).


    Only not-for-profit organisations (like schools, libraries and universities) can use Standard licenses. Businesses and other profit-making businesses are not allowed to use Standard licenses - they must purchase Business licenses.

    [...]They are for specific computers, but any number of people can use the license so long as the license is only ever used on that. computer.

    So, if it's just one person that use the licence, he can use it on as many computer as he want.

    But if it's an organisation, it cannot use the standart licence for business projects and it can just use it on one coputer.

    Isn't it ?

    We are just 2 persons, so could we install the licence on 2 computers to do business games but under one of us name ? I mean, we are two to make games on two computers but with one licence and the games are posted like made by just one of us ?

  • Hello, I'm a french new user of Construct 2, so please, excuse me for my english mystakes and my poor knowledge about this wonderful sowtware <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    So my question is:

    A friend and me want to do some games and make money with adds or selling our games. I read that we could use the licence on "as many computer as we like", so it is possible to buy just 1 license, to install it on two computer and to do games, my friend and me ?

    I'm not sure, but I think we need two, because I also read that organisations could not use the standart edition to make business games.

    Am I wrong ? Thanks for reading <img src="smileys/smiley12.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • 5 posts