MomaFugger's Forum Posts

  • Hello! I want to make a loot table for let's say a "boar", how do I make some items more likely to be dropped (If any at all!). Do I use functions? How do I add weight to an item? Thanks for the help.

  • So I want to make a building system, and I already know about the (round(x / gridx) * gridx) and the y axis alternative. But how do I make a grid position "occupied", and also what about if the object takes up 2 grid position? Thank you.

  • Hey guys, so I have been working on an inventory system, and I have the basics down, except when trying to add an item, I want to use a function that uses these basic commands:

    on function "additem"

    pick "inventory" equal to parameter(pickedinventory)

    and continue only if the parameter(addquant) > 0

    if the parameter(xindex) < pickedinventory.width = parameter(additemid) , 1) < maximum stack size

    - add to inventory slot amount by 1

    - call the "additem" function, this time

    with -1 "addamount"


    -call the "additem" function, this time add 1 to xindex slot


    -call the "additem" function, this time add 1 to xindex slot


    -create a new stack at the inventory.indexof("none")

    I have used this code and it does not work. is there any logic problems with it? The preview keeps crashing every time I try to add and item thats over its maximum stack size.

  • Graphical bug with UI

  • How do I make clothing for an RPG? Lets say I equip a red jacket, do I have to make all the animations with lets say a sword for both no red jacket and with it? I am stumped with this and dont know how typical RPGs do it.

  • My Local variables wont work, even if I put them under the same group, I have to make them global.

  • How to I drag items from one inventory to another using arrays?

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  • no its whats appears graphically. how do I make 5 slots appear, or 12, jist organzing them in a box of sorts on the screen.

  • How do I make a grid that is 6 long and infinitly down, to represent an objects inventory? Lets say a campfire has 5 slots, so bit will be one row, but a box has 12, so it will be 2 rows. How do I make this?

  • what if I want to add 18 raspeberries? you add 6 to the 4 stack, create a new stack with 10. that leaves 2 left. How do I add a stack of 2 afterwards on a loop?

  • okay in your array, lets say I want to add 8 raspberries. How do I make it add 6 to the last stack then push another stack?

  • bump

  • So How do I make it when I add an item. it fills each stack of that item in the inventory first, then creates a new stack, and repeats until there is no more?

  • also what if there are other values inbetween a blueberry stack. for example a raspberry, how do i make the computer essentially skip that value and move on until it hits the end of the array or another blueberry stack?

  • Okay I will try this thank you I will grt back to you with the results. Cheers!