Mohorelien's Forum Posts

  • 4 posts
  • It's hard to see this thread empty, I have discovered Zack0Wack0's plugin an hour ago but you make me fear...

    I have planned to use it with this young tutorial Modded-socketio tutorial from SgtConti.

    Did you tried it ?

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  • Bien le bonjour, je suis Aur�lien Truco-Gallucci.

    23 ans en 2012.

    Utilisateur de Construct 2 depuis ses d�buts dans le portage des applications vers les mobiles.

    Je suis tr�s branch� sur la physique dans les jeux.

    Je cr�� aussi des sites web dynamiques et ludiques gr�ce � Construct 2 (en plus des jeux).

    Bonne continuation Scirra ! <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Ashley: Sorry about that! I wasn't meaning that it was Construct 2 fault. Absolutely not, omgitburns's error (atio6axx.dll) is a good proof of AMD's guilty. Some of my programs are showing the same issues (especially games and Visual Studio during XNA apps compilation). I'm now working with the 100th Construct 2 release, so cool!

    omgitburns: But, it's possible to disable vertical sync for all applications without a third party tool with only Catalyst menu. (And only for an application with profiles). No ?

  • Hi, I'm a new user of constructor 2 and I experienced the same issue (quite):

    Windows 7 x64 with 2 AMD Radeon 6850 (Crossfire), and AMD driver 12.8. Constructor release 95.

    Every time I try to launch a project (.capx) or even when I try to create a new one, Contruct 2 crashes before anything shows on screen.

    Like some other graphic applications, I have to create an "Application Profile" dedicated to this app in the AMD Catalyst Control Center (3D application parameters).

    I have to select few options:

    • deactivate crossfire
    • don't force vertical sync
    • "Use application parameters" for each option when available.
    • Deactivate morphological filtering

    "Save" button, and select "Construct2.exe", your profile is created.

    Deactivate crossfire is the most important, but you don't seem to have 2 GPU, I wish it will work anyway with the others options <img src="smileys/smiley6.gif" border="0" align="middle" />


  • 4 posts