mochakingup's Forum Posts

  • yes I'm aware of it, you can make it so that even with silent takedown the player still punished.

    it could add more choices on later level, say there's a crowd of guards, you can sprint through them with bullets behind your back, or take down one guard and get out quietly but with huge collateral damage


  • Hi, nice demo!

    great graphics and love the atmosphere,

    the animated scanline effects on the briefing screen makes me a little bit dizzy though,

    run great and no performance issue on my desktop,

    I have a few suggestion,

    maybe add a silent takedown mechanics, to bring down guards without noise

    and since it's a stealth mission, don't you think it's better to bring a gun with a silencer?

  • I think you need to add 'trigger once' condition

  • Hi Magistross thanks!

    It works!

    I wasn't aware of that expression,

    but when the mouse get to close to the image point,

    the gun starts shaking violently,

    any idea what might caused this? or how to prevent this?


    nevermind, I found the solution

    by putting another image point in the back of the gun

    thanks for all the help! :)

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  • Hi everyone,

    please bear with me

    I'm not a programmer, and my math is pretty much zero at best

    I'm creating this mech shooter platformer,

    and I encountered some trouble with the gun aiming in my game

    it's not really a big problem really, but the curiosity is eating me

    so I created a gun, where the origin of the sprite is at the bottom,

    and an image point for spawning the bullet.

    I have created an action to set the angle to point to mouse position,

    so it looks like this:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    now, it is working as it should,

    but there's a bit problem with the accuracy this way, the gun won't shoot exactly where the pointer at.

    So what I need is for the sprite to point from the image point, but still rotate on its origin

    so I figured i would need to point the angles toward this position instead:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    is there some way I can retrieve this position using equation?

    or can this be achieved in some other way instead?

  • nimos100

    hi, you can create subfolder in object/project bar

    and organize all your objects as necessary

  • could it be that they're using MIDI?

  • DragonDrumstick

    I believe you can create multiple instance of spriter object by copy pasting the spriter object itself, (the one with the spriter icon)

    they all belong in a container so if you need to spawn or destroy all you need to destroy/spawn is only the spriter object, no need to bother with all the sprites part

  • I see,

    now that you mention it I can see a lot of possibilities on how it can be used

    thanks a lot for the explanation!

  • I think the easiest way to do this is by using collision check,

    as when the snow on collision with the moon, change to another frame, or use shader effect to change the color,

    though I'm not sure how it will impact the performance

  • Hi everyone,

    I'm an animator and illustrator from Indonesia,

    at first I tried construct just for experimenting

    the no-programming part is what interests me mostly

    but after a while I got hooked up,

    because it's soo easy to learn

    and the support and community is amazing!

  • I think you made a little mistake

    you were pinning the animation object to itself,

  • Hi lucid,

    I've been using Spriter for my first project

    it is a great tool for animating!

    I have a question about entity,

    can you give me example on what it could be used for?

    and are all the textures of different entities loaded at once on memory

    or just the one entity that active?

  • kwee55

    love the concept and idea!

    a king showing his daughter around their kingdom,

    maybe add more consequences from the choices, rather than just the char appearance, can't wait to see when it's finished!

  • this is a beautiful game! awesome art and simple but fun gameplay,

    agree with the other, the circular movement makes me dizzy after a while