I have found the floodfill bug. If anyone interested:
In the plugins runtime.js, in the flood_fill funtcion the trick below doesn't work on IE:
var color = $('<div></div>').css('background-color', _color).css('background-color').slice(4,-1).split(",");
If you replace the line above with this, it will work fine:
var color = _color.substring(_color.indexOf("(")+1).split(",");
DRAWBACK: you can't pass nice colorname or HSL color parameters, it will work only with rgb(R,G,B) or rgba(R,G,B,A) format.
I admit not the nicest fix, but the floodfill will work in IE too.
Thx for this tip! using RGB values fixed wrong color.
What about minify? Can you use it when you use canvas plugin in your projects? For me everytime it fails, js file with all the code is not minified.
also what I noticed that any "full screen in browser" need to be set to off otherwise flood fill is not working.