Mirdov's Forum Posts

  • I'm using PhonegapIAP plugin, do all estapas send the app to google play, do I download the app and when I click on any button on the puglin the app closes! with the message "AppName stopped!"

    Can someone help me?


    I am exporting the XDK and have no plugin enabled in the XDK, the C2 only have phonegap!

  • Hello, I created my store with more IAP can not buy the same item again!

    Does anyone have any tips or tutorial that esplique how to do this?

    I'm already caught in it a while and just need that to put the game ON!

    I'm erring on the construct 2 because google this all right, and I'm using the XDK for converting the apk!

    Presizo only to buy more than once! Anyone know if there is a minimum time to make the same purchase? I've waited 12 pm and still the same thing!


  • js is ok now tks!!!!

  • dont have error for JS...

    your compilation of Pintando o Sete seems to have failed, here's the information we have about the problem:

    Something went wrong with the compilation of your project. We'll look at it as soon as possible

    my project:


    tks!!! <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • acredito que sim, tem ate um torneio de ver�o para jogos no win8.

    voc� tem � que pagar pela licen�a do win que deve ser uns $100,00.

  • put some time now the link is: scirra.com/tutorials/568/games-for-tablet and is in English and Portuguese (Br).

  • Hello this is a tutorial to run games in various construct 2 tablets.

    I do not know much about programming and how everyone here on the site had doubts of how to make a game on the tablet radar by Google Play.

    After searching a lot and doing a lot of experiences I got wrong somewhere and want to share it.

    In this tutorial you will learn how to decompile and compile an apk file, create registry key and use the zipalign leaving the apk file ready for publishing on tablet.

    You must have an account on google play and a license Construct 2.

    • We will use Cocoonjs to generate the apk files;
    • We will use Notepad + + to edit the xml file apk;
    • Download files:
    • SignApk
    • Apktool
    • JDK 1.6.0
    • Android SDK

    In this tutorial you will learn how to decompile and compile an apk file, create registry key and use the zipalign leaving the apk file ready for publishing on tablet.

    Now that we have all done we'll start downloads.

    Create a folder on Local Disk C: \ with the name Android getting the path as "C: \ Android \".

    All other files can be installed wherever you want, I recommend the Local Disk C: \.

    Apk file # # # #

    Export your game to CocoonJS and then download the file unzip the zip file.

    2 apk files will open a 'debug_signed "and" release_unsignad ".

    Delete the file "debug_signed" and rename the file "release_unsignad" to: <username> <Game _release.apk and copy the file by pasting it into the folder "ApkTool".

    Select the folder "ApkTool" presione [Chift] + Right-click the folder and click: Open Command Window Here.

    With the command window open type:

    Apktool d <username> your file> _release.apk

    The command will unpack the apk creating a folder with all your game open the AndroidManifest.xml file inside that folder with Notepad + + to edit it.

    Modify the following lines HTML:

    <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="8" android:targetSdkVersion="8" /> to <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="11" android:targetSdkVersion="14" />.

    Now add the line <supports-screens> HTML:

    android: largeScreens = "true" and android: xlargeScreens = "true".

    Getting this:

    <supports-screens android:anyDensity="true" android:smallScreens="true" android:normalScreens="true" android:largeScreens="true" android:largeScreens="true" android:xlargeScreens="true" />

    Save the file and close the program.

    Compressing the folder apk:

    Even with the open command window type:

    Apktool b <username> <folder <filename> _release.apk

    Now copy the apk file and paste in the folder SignApk.

    If you take time to compress error in the file change <manifest android: versionCode = "25" in the xml file to above:

    manifest android: versionCode = "26"

    Select the folder "SignApk" presione [Chift] + Right-click the folder and click: Open Command Window Here.

    With the command window open type:

    Java-jar signapk.jar certificate.pem key.pk8 <filename> _release.apk <filename> _signer.apk

    This command will create a file signer.apk that will be used to make a registry key.

    Copy the two files apk "and signer release" folder and paste in Android that the Local Disk created in the beginning.

    Creating the registry key:

    Open the folder that should this JDK 1.6.0 in C: \ Java \ and select the folder "bin" presione [Chift] + Right-click the folder and click: Open Command Window Here.

    With the command window open type:

    Keytool-genkey-v-keystore C: \ Android \ <filename> _signer.keystore-alias <filename>-keyalg RSA-keysize 2048-validity 10000

    This will create a file <filename> _signar.keystore.

    Save the file to be able to update signer_.keystore future changes in their games.

    In the same command window type:

    Jarsigner-verbose-keystore C: \ Android \ <filename> _signer.keystore C: \ Android \ <filename> _release.apk <filename> _signer

    Now the file _release.apk this signed, but before it is published on Google Play he has to go through the "zipalign" what about zipalign understand is that it compresses the files and organizes more better too.

    Open the Android SDK folder that should this in C: \ AndroidSDK and select the folder "tools" presione [Chift] + Right-click the folder and click: Open Command Window Here.

    With the command window open type:

    Zipalign 4-v C: \ Android \ <filename> _release.apk C: \ Android \ <filename> _release_XX.apk

    The latter name may be the name of your game with the version number in place of the XX example:


    Now just post the file in Google play.

    I made this tutorial picking up a lot of the internet by adapting and modifying to get here.

    Hope that helps the most as I had no luck in finding something explanatory and didactic.

    Many errors can occur for type it wrong, stay tuned!

    The text is in Portuguese from Brazil and has been translated by Google translator excuse some flaws. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I can only build the game for android and only send the APK (I have no way to test on iOS).

    That has to be a web game?

  • Could acresentar in cocoonjs tutorial: scirra.com/tutorials/303/how-to-export-to-cocoonjs

    section of the compatibility sequinte:

    "Does not support special characters like: �, ~, ',', � and so on."

    I am Brazilian and I was having trouble to compile due to these characters and � is not a special character in Portuguese or Latin.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • ok!

  • My biggest problem is this: scirra.com/forum/topic64055.html

  • because I have no luck with this cocoonJS?

    I want to know what I'm doing wrong please!

    I compiled this simple game for android by cocoonjs and compile:


    I did the same thing with the other just a little more eleborado with the same things. and the error in the compilation.

    I'm trying to put a game in android and I'm not tense my success this term now ending and I will take a very low note secontinuar giving error.

    anyone have any tips?

    Link the same game but more worked:


  • I think I found! I'm auditioning and so far is going well!

    I created a new file for games on mobile devices thing we had not done before and was giving error!

    thank you!

  • tentei e nada eu coloquei para criar um arquivo novo para cell, os testes est�o indo bem quero ver quando fazer o jogo se vai radar tamb�m!

    abra�o ae e obrigado!