Mipey's Forum Posts

  • Well, look at the market... graphic cards are in the range of 128MB-512MB VRAM, but quite a few older cards are still stuck at 64MB.

    A good solution would be to load on demand; only put in VRAM whatever is needed immediately.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Screenshots or it didn't happen!


  • Construct may be free, but plugins and products aren't part of that license, I believe.

  • Well, that is a highly specialized animation software. Construct is a generic game development tool; bone animation is a much smaller part of the engine compared to Anime Studio Pro. How many games that use bone animation are there compared to games that do not?

    Granted, having a more intuitive bone animation plugin would be nice, but I think it is not that important for Construct, which would benefit from many other additional features.

  • Good product sells itself. It doesn't really need the aggressive marketing tricks; it is not a bad product after all.

  • Anything that David touches. Seriously, that guy has the Midas touch.

  • I am posting this from my chair in front of the PC! Awesome!

  • I don't put stuff that is not my own in signatures. But I do refer Construct if I make something with it.

    That is the idea - make games, mention the tool you used; like "In Another Brother" stirred some interest of experienced developers who are now in love with Construct.

    Word of the mouth works the best when you want to target the right audience. We don't really want to attract the masses of pubescent rabid fans of Dragonballz who want everything the easy way.

  • I can seem them. Looks pretty good!

  • Yep, it has rather high system requirements due to being a Flash game. Often my controls jam. Why does Flash have to be used for such an awesome game?!

  • I believe that Ashley was rewriting the renderer; a few days ago he gloated about 3D mesh he made. So, yeah, it is in works.

  • As long as the site is standards compliant, I hope? No fancy script stuff? CSS is quite powerful already by itself.

  • �?x??di1? ??oddns ?i s?op

  • Awesome stuff!

    Just a quick note - instead of duplicating the same events over and over in each layout, you could just put them into a new, separate event sheet and include that event sheet in all layouts.

    Now, if only I could figure out how to increase gamma within the DX9 - it is too dark! Sniff.

  • Default angle points to the right --->

    Make sure your sprites are pointing that way when you draw them. Then you just rotate them up and use the Spawn action when you shoot; spawned objects automatically inherit the object's angle.