MintyMousyXFCE's Forum Posts

  • 13 posts
  • Please, sorry for the double post, but after some work, I managed to get enough reputation to post links. And now I'm able to show my version of the platform flight engine.

    So, here's the download page:

    As I mentioned, use Arrows move, Z jump. To fly, jump, release the jump and then press and hold the jump button to fly. If you're falling, you can simply hold the jump button.

    This little delay is necessary to not interfere too much with the regular jumps.

    Once again I thank you guys for all of the support. ^^

  • Ok, so there is no fix which make it possible to play the game in IE9?

    Why don't you explain this for your client and suggest him to use another browser? As ryanrybot Microsoft isn't fast and focused to improve Internet Explorer as they like to say in every new version.

    But if (s)he is a Microsoft-fan to refuse alternatives, you should convince the client to either to upgrade to latest IE version and/or turn the Default Compatibility View off.

  • Oh, it's just a behavior! I didn't really need the full detailed guide, but thanks for your will to teach!

    I'm sorry for the too detailed explanation, I didn't know you has knownledge of the program. But I'm glad for helping.

  • Pretty simply, my friend. In the properties of your character, look for Behavior.

    Click in add/edit behaviors, a pop-up window appear.

    Click in the plus icon to add a new behavior.

    Look for "Fade" and add it.

    Now in Properties, look for the Fade properties:

    Change "Active at start" to No

    Now in events:

    Condition = Colides with object = Action = Start Fade

    Now your character will fade out and destroy. You can change the fading speed at the properties too.

    I hope I could be able to help you.

  • you can always export for scirra arcade

    Just a last question, does Scirra allow WIPs in Scirra Arcade? I thought only finished game are allowed there,

  • no problem, you can upload if you want an arcade demo of your game if you want for people reviews and feedback's

    I would. The case is that my project isn't meant to be a HTML5 game, but a stand-alone game (using Node-Webkit). I'm not sure if they allow this kind of game in Scirra Arcade.

  • For me it would be no problem to avoid Internet Explorer. But our customer only works with IE9, so I have no other chance.

    I understand your case.

    Well, as far I was looking for a solution, one way to solve this is to make a compatibility with older IE's version (like IE8).

    Something like:

    meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8" />   [/code:qykqwuf6]
    But it may need some advanced editing in the file, I'm not sure if there's a way to do this in Construct 2.
    Also, I found a page to show you, but this stupid reputation system doesn't allow me to post any link. It says you and your client should Turn off the Default Compatibility View in IE9. In the Compatibility View settings, disable the checkbox “Display all websites in Compatibility View”.
  • Well, I'm saying something that's obvious, but Internet Explorer is a browser that you might want to skip. Simply because it's not safe nor complete like most of other browsers and has some issues with HTML5 games.

    Maybe it's better if you could just focus in other browsers like Chrome and Firefox.

  • Thank you again for all the help.

    I was working in my own version, but I was struggling to fix some bugs. I used the two examples you provided and merged into my project.

    If you guys are interested in see the result, you may download it here: (Unable to attach any file due some weird problem nor post any link due to my low reputation.)

    Arrows move, Z jump. To fly, jump, release the jump and then press and hold the jump button to fly. If you're falling, you can simply hold the jump button.

    This little delay is necessary to not interfere too much with the regular jumps.

    This problem is solved and I shall change the title to show it. Thank you everyone, for all the help and suggestions.

  • Just another thing I forgot to mention, it works good with regular platforms, but not so good with slopes, inclined platforms. Maybe it's because of the 8-way movement.

    EDIT: I was able to prevent the "super weight" problem when the flight is turn off. It was something involving the Y vector of the platform movement. All I did was to set it to 0 once you release the jump button, and voilá! Worked like a charm.

    EDIT 2: Another thing is, sometimes when you stop flying, the character kinda "bounces" to a certain direction.

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  • Thank you you guys for the answers, and specially for gamecorpstudio for the engine example.

    Well, it really works. I just hope people wouldn't feel anti-professional when you press and hold jump in the first chance and make the character fly when she's falling.

    Also, it's really cool the sinewave movement, it gives a more fluid feeling when you're flying. The only problem is, when you stop flying, if the wave is moving down, it makes the character fall like an anvil.

    But checking again, it's also the thing with the 8-way movement.

    Is there a solution for these minor problems? Once again, I thank you for your help, my friends.

  • Making a platformer character is very easy with Construct, however I still didn't find a way to make it fly.

    In the case, my character is an anthropomorphic bat character. She has wings to help her in some parts, where in others they will be necessary.

    The idea is to jump, then press and hold the jump button while falling to make her stop and float in air. While flying, you can hold up or down to make her fly upward or downward.

    Of course she won't be flying forever, there will be a gauge for this.

    So I count with you guys. Could someone help me with my problem. Independent of the answers, I thank you for your attention. ^^

  • Hello, I'm MintyMousyXFCE, another game enthusiast like everyone here, but from Brazil. Well, I knew about Scirra's Construct since the Construct Classic's era. A great tool for that time, C2 overcame it, and surely C3 will overcome C2 without much effort.

    I also draw, 2D sprites and training my skills to make hand-drawn sprites. But I also have my own project for an indie game, a 2D platformer, for Windows, Mac and Linux, and I deeply wish to make it a reality.

    Well, that's all. I really hope be part of the community. Thank you everyone.

  • 13 posts