mineet's Forum Posts

  • Dave Hailwood

    Hi, you've been busy!''

    thanks for the updates, its very useful information.. Good luck with your game. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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  • <img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/157237874/map%20jamestown%20start%20mock%20-%20Copy.png" border="0" />


    this is a mock up of the type of look i want for the James fort. Having an isometric view..

    The graphics will be all my own, with some of the buildings being interactive. Displaying a GUI/ menu driven trading screen..

    I think the houses will be more simpler to represent the first settlers at that time..

  • sman118

    your animation is really good.. love the look of your game :)

  • Mipey

    where are the tree's .. sorry if im sounding dumb here ...

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  • Tekniko

    hi; I can't see any trees

  • robin Sommer

    the mansion is looking good; I like your attention to detail on the 'fencing/ veranda' with the loose/ missing pieces.. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Egon

    hi thanks for doing this devlog, i look forward to seeing your progress..

    your old stuff looks great too... love your art style

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  • that looks so cute

  • for me it counts two

  • robin Sommer

    hi thanks for the book link.. it looks good thanks :)

  • mmoDust

    congrats :)

  • <img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/157237874/simple%20game%20plan%20-%20Copy.png" border="0" />

    simple game plan

  • Hi, I thought I would begin a Dev log starting from the very basics really.. In hope this will motivate me into developing my ideas into reality.

    Although I've been around the forum sometime now this is the first time posting anything other than my artwork, and commenting on others.

    I'm a newbie and know little jargon etc so please make allowances for this..<img src="smileys/smiley9.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    My game idea as you can guess is a tribal strategy/ resource management..

    I haven't really come up with a definite title for the game ( any help would be welcome)

    Any help with anything would be welcome...

    I was inspired by watching The New world movie. I've spent quite a while researching the Virginia Indians and the first English settlers and the impact this had...

    The aim of the game will be playing the character Pocahontas who has to balance the resources between her tribe (Powhatan), the English, and the Patawomeck tribe. Through mini games.. controlling crops, catching food, building houses, protecting the villages, trading/ bargaining and so on.. Just wanted to add I only have the free versions so will be limited too..........

    any comments would be welcome thanks..

    <img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/157237874/head%20shoulder%20wide%20-%20Copy.png" border="0" /><img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/157237874/Hand%20keep2k%20-%20Copy.png" border="0" />