mindgear's Forum Posts

  • Hello wayne

    I would ask you if you could make a small desctrucable terrain example.

    with your plugin.

    I need help on this.

    kind regards

    steen osterby

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  • Hello Scirra people

    Do anyone know to make to make destructible Terrain tile. with releastic holes.

    Example of this would be appreciated.

    Kind Regards


  • Hello thehen

    Could you please make a plugin for R119 stable. so that it works.

    Great plugin.

    And doc on how to use it.

    regards MindGear

  • Hello Ashley

    i still have issues when trying to deploy construct 2 with windows8 plugin.

    i get this error in visual studio express 8. in c2runtime when trying to run the application.



    1 Error

    0 Warnings

    1 Message



    SCRIPT16385: Unhandled exception at line 9560, column 5 in ms-appx://0d98bf14-5902-4e1d-88e6-19f57ea081dc/c2runtime.js

    0x80004001 - JavaScript runtime error: Not implemented

    File: c2runtime.js, Line: 9560, Column: 5


    useOgg = !!(new Audio().canPlayType('audio/ogg; codecs="vorbis"'));

    Construct 2 version:119

  • No i cannot reproduce the error from a empty project. then it works.

    And i am Running Windows 8 N. And my Express visual studio 2012. All NEW

    I can't share the project. This is a commercial project. But i can share it with you. Do you have a email that i can sent the password to when you access my dropbox.

  • Hello Scirra People

    Please support MindGear by voting for our game Rescue17. Made with Construct2.

    Go to MindGear.dk and Vote.

    Thank you for your support.

    Kind Regards

    Steen Osterby / MindGear

  • Hello Ashley yes i can share the project with you but private. Its a commercial project. And we cannot share the project with the rest of the construct 2 users. Do you have a ftp. because the capx fiel is 46mb.

  • hello scirra

    here is the image.

    remember to right click and preview the image. To see the error.


  • i cant't include a capx.

    Please rightclick on the image and choose view or download. The you can see what i mean.

  • Hello Scirra.

    When i export to win8. Everything is good.

    But when i try to run my project. the error gets visible in the debug console.

    <img src="https://www.dropbox.com/s/tqhve5p2fk11i4j/Capture.PNG" border="0" />

  • Hello scirra. The project is about. 46 mb. Where d� we sendt.

  • Hello Scirra

    We are running on Windows 8. Just as you know.

    We have just exported our game to windows8. We do not use any thirdparty plugin, except Clayio for leaderboard

    We now start ieexplore 10 from construct2 and get this error: javascript Error. Audio_Plugin error at line 641

    This error does not come up when using chrome.

    But we want to our commercial project Rescue17 on Windows8 Marketplace.

    What is wrong in this matter.

    Kind Regards


  • Check the news at MindGear.dk

    Go have a blast.........

  • Thank you. We will take that in mind.

  • New release of Mathema on the App Store.

    <img src="http://a5.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/094/Purple/v4/f6/91/e2/f691e286-8a63-fa7e-76d9-a65763da9f71/mzl.hycoiebo.175x175-75.jpg" border="0" />

    Mathema is made with Construct2.

    Read more about Mathema on mindgear.dk

