maybe you can learn from this.
What it does:
on start -> save sentences to array (I'd suggest using the CSVtoArray-Plugin, so you can write your sentences in excel, save the table as .csv and then import the csv-string into the game)
after that the sentences are split up word by word and each word is saved at y=1, y=2 and so on of the array.
So for one sentence the array would look like:
x=0, y=0: I like to watch TV
x=0, y=1: I
x=0, y=2: like
x=0, y=3: to
x=0, y=4: watch
x=0, y=5: TV
The keyboard controls will be easily understandable for you. (A or Space shoots, later on in the sheet left and right puts the player to the lane to his left/right, if not at the edge already)
The group spawnsentence sets the sentence that is next to spawn by randoming a number. The number represents the x in the array, which you later on will access. It also activates the group that is supposed to spawn the words on screen. It also disables itself to prevent a new sentence from spawning till all words are spawned by the spawnwords-group.
Spawnwords-group. Uses the word-variable to detect which word it is at (word will chose where the word is taken from in the array). It selects a random lane by randoming between 0 and 2 to spawn the right word and the text that contains the right word gets the instance variable rightword set to 1. This later on helps to detect whether you hit a correct or a false word.
For the lanes that are not filled with a word yet, a function to spawn false words is run, the function parameter tells the function where to spawn the word.
False words get the variable rightword set to 0. False words are selected with a while-loop, where the system looks at a random word in the array and compares it to the right word. If the two words are not equal, it uses this word for the false text. If they are the same it looks up a random word again. In case you don't want "can" and "Can" to be detected as different words, use lowercase() for the while-condition.
The rest of the events is kind of straight forward again. Hit detection, text movement, increasing difficulty over time, scoring based on difficulty (so later on you get more points), substraction of lives, game over display, removing the most front sentence from the sentence display after 5 words have been shot or passed the destroy-mark.