mindfaQ's Forum Posts

  • Yeah, if you have a 2D-array the tile above would be array.at(array.curx,array.cury-1), left would be array.at(array.curx-1,array.cury) and so on. Be careful on the edges though, as array.at(-1,0) doesn't exist.

  • If I am not mistaken, Node webkit export doesn't utilize your browser, so erasing your browser cache won't change anything.

    There is also the no save behaviour, but that probably doesn't help in your case. Just wanted to mention that there is another mechanism to prevent saving of specific elements.

  • system compare: array.at(yourx,youry) = 0 (or "" if you mean an empty string)

    if you need to go through the whole array and do something with all elements that have a specific value, you can use this:

    array for each element XYZ

    system compare array.at(array.curx,array.cury,array.curz) = yourvalue : your actions

  • mindFAQ you're the best. i have no idea what the math does; but it works and exactly as i wanted it. i have one last question: if i add the code to a sprite and give the sprite the bullet-behavior then the sprite moves left to right. i want to have it move vertically. how can i do that? that's the last part of the puzzle. can you please help? thanks again for all your help.

    I didn't see this. If you want it to fly into another direction with the bullet behaviour, just modify the angle or the angle of motion of your sprite. An angle of 90 will make it move downwards, 270 upwards. If you change the angle, your picture will be rotated, if you only change the angle of motion, the picture will not rotate.

    DRTIAN: the on created event only triggers once when the object is created. We need to modify lastx and lasty each tick after the set position ran (just place them after it). Also I had a typo in my formula, instead of the 50 at set y (not sure where the 50 came from), it needs to be B if I overview this correctly. Hope it works now.

  • green.x


    if you have more than one green, select by uid, comparison or instance variables beforehand

  • let's say your mid is 250, 250, then rotating your objects around it would look like this:

    2 instance variables for your sprites: ccc and speed. Speed = the angle difference each step. ccc decides the direction.


    system every 0.2 seconds: sprite set ccc to choose(-1,1)

    sprite set angle to sprite.angle+sprite.ccc*sprite.speed

    sprite set position to x = 250+cos(sprite.angle)*distance(sprite.x,sprite.y,250,250) and y = 250+sin(sprite.angle)*distance(sprite.x,sprite.y,250,250)

  • Streaming just prevents any wait time that could be caused by loading the audio file. Since loading from HDD is very fast, there will be no relevant waiting times for either sound or music -> you will observe no difference.

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  • You could double click em and look which bitrate your player is showing.

  • Don't make them expand. If you want the player to know how much health they have, make them selectable and display it at an information panel or just generally show it somewhere.

    Dota 2 uses separators on the health bar that visually divide it into 250 health segments, but that makes only sense for big health bars. Sure you could add such separation, but I don't think it adds something to you game. Just give the player another way of finding out how much total health those guys have imo.

  • s000.tinyupload.com/index.php

    if you do +dt every tick, you will get 1 after 1 second.

    Not sure how to best incorporate this into the jumping behaviour, you probably could reduce the max fall speed with a function like this.

  • Did you somewhere divide by 0 when generating the playerMurderer string?

  • Maybe disable the "force" once it hits the wall and reactivate it later on (on a fresh mouse click or whatever, I don't clearly understand how it is supposed to work)

  • ?

    system: create object

    in layout editor: ctrl+left-drag

  • You could use a different animation to store the frames and select the fitting animation depending on the resolution.