How do I use this plugin when compiling?
you need to add this github when compiling
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Problem solved
im creating construct plugin for Magnet Ad Service
when i use this code:
public void onReceive() { PluginResult pr = new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.OK, "onMagnetInterstitialAdReceived"); pr.setKeepCallback(true); MagnetCordovaPlugin.callbackContextKeepCallback.sendPluginResult(pr); }[/code:1awyr7fk] it is return OK string this is the cordova plugin i created: [code:1awyr7fk][/code:1awyr7fk]
Thanks for link
I opened your blog with hotspot shield
Your blog blocked in my country (all blogspot blogs blocked)
how can i use onActivityResult class in construct cordova plugin
Like this:
@Override protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); try { if (requestCode == DeveloperInterface.TAPSELL_DIRECT_ADD_REQUEST_CODE) { System.err .println(data .hasExtra(DeveloperInterface.TAPSELL_DIRECT_CONNECTED_RESPONSE)); System.err .println(data .hasExtra(DeveloperInterface.TAPSELL_DIRECT_AVAILABLE_RESPONSE)); System.err .println(data .hasExtra(DeveloperInterface.TAPSELL_DIRECT_AWARD_RESPONSE)); System.err .println(data .getBooleanExtra( DeveloperInterface.TAPSELL_DIRECT_CONNECTED_RESPONSE, false)); System.err .println(data .getBooleanExtra( DeveloperInterface.TAPSELL_DIRECT_AVAILABLE_RESPONSE, false)); System.err .println(data .getIntExtra( DeveloperInterface.TAPSELL_DIRECT_AWARD_RESPONSE, -1)); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }[/code:c3xju0wc]
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
very very thanks
sorry but in my country all payment methods blocked
thanks a lot
im waiting
Yes, the cordova plugin works fine.
I have problem with this part:
function success(uuid) { console.log(uuid); };[/code:35ou28et]
can anyone create this plugin: