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  • Ok so I believe I'm really close to figuring this out! Maybe haha but what I have set up and want to do is this. Let's say I have 6 objects on the screen and I click on each one. They all get added to the Array and have an variable associated to them from the family variable which is shown in the pick. Next I want it so each one is spawned on to the layout by index number/variable they got set to when put into the Array. Example if I clicked on object 3 which it's variable would be 3 and I click on like the button spawn or something I want that object to spawn onto the layout and if this can be done randomly that would be even better. Also I'm not sure if this can be done from families. Either way so help would be greatly appreciated, thanks everyone!

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  • "On key pressed" and select which key.

    Or you can use "On any key pressed" and compare Keyboard.StringFromKeyCode(Keyboard.LastKeyCode)

    ok, i'll try this as well and see which works best, thanks!

  • Well technically you do still use 'on key pressed' to determine if it was pressed, because something will action if that key was pressed meaning it's true. There are loads of approaches. You could do it with 2 variables, one which changes whenever you press a key so on A pressed, set it to A. You check this against another variable which is the "correct key", so if the correct key variable is "A" and you press the A key then both of those variables would be the same and feedback you pressed the right one.

    As for spamming again you could use those 2 variables in a different way. Set the "correct key" to be spammed to "A" and ensure this time that it always matches the other variable when a key is pressed. If it differs then they pressed another key.

    ahh... ok! Yeah i'll have to try that out, thanks a lot!

  • No! LOL I wanna check and see if player pushes the correct button. For example... I want the player to push the A button but how do I know if they pushed the A button and not the B button? But I also want them to repeatedly push a certain button at times also but again... how do I check to make sure they are pushing the correct button and not just something random. Hope that makes more sense

  • Ok so I searched around and i couldn't find anything on this but i was curious if anyone can tell me how I can figure out if a player has pushed a certain button? For example... I want the player to push A rapidly, the left button, B button or X button. I'm just not sure how to check for that and see if the player has done it correctly then do what action I want and if not have a penalty or do a different action. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated, thanks!!!

  • Unfortunately i can't. It takes lots of time to make an example like this and I'm already busy with my two projects and working on things I'm stuck on. You'll just have to learn from my video and hopefully other tips to help you out. Best of luck

  • so what you would have to do is something like and a variable called levels or whatever you want and just add it to the event example I have. First group all the events and call it like Level 1 spawns and add the condition if level is = to 1... spawn these. copy the group and just change it up. if level is = to 3 spawn these. You'll have to make it so when player is on like level 1 set levels to 1, when player is on level 2 set levels to 2 and so on. That way whenever a player is on a certain level you spawn items, enemies or whatever from those groups

  • Hello, I have a video I made a long time ago. This will show you how to spawn random enemy, items or whatever you want it to be. This should get you stated so good luck!

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  • Ok so in this video you can see when my player goes into another room it has a transition. I was just curious if i had two players... is the second player pretty much at the mercy of the first player since the camera is focused on them?! Because i tested it out a bit and it does leave them behind unless i have an event after room transition but far as running around the room is it even possible to get the to camera focus on both wherever one moves and not leave the player off screen? 🤔


  • Here's part one and two of something that should help you. Good luck!!!

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  • So this was my first tutorial I made a long time ago haha so it's not super perfect but it might help with a few others things when it comes to spawning random stuff. You also should create a family and name it something like enemies. Add your enemies to that family and then give that family an instant variable (number) call it enemy hp. You then can set each enemy with it's own hp. even if all of the same one's are on the screen it will only take hp from the enemy that's hit. Do something like enemy on collision with player bullet, subtract 3 from enemies hp. As I said it will only take hp from the enemy that's getting hit with the player's bullet. Then have an event when enemies hp (this is the family hp) is = to or less than 0, destroy! Hopefully this helps and good luck!!!

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  • Ok so in this video i'm testing out a few game mechanics. All of this is working out nicely so for but will look much better and smoother when I have all original animations in place. Added lots more since this video so be sure to follow along with the journey of this project. Thanks for stopping by :)


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  • Well the way I have my ladder system set up is in a few parts ladder bottom, a ladder line and ladder top... all set invisible. Since it's AI this will be tough... you will have to find a way to the game know when the AI is going up or down because you will have to simulate 8 direction up or down. I put two links that will help you out with ladder stuff All you will need to do is figure out how to make it happen on it's own. Maybe have like a box area around the ladder so when the AI collides with it they start to climb up if the player is above them which would be simulate a direction up. You will have to find a way to know if player is above or below player. Hopefully this helps



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  • You can maybe do something like I have setup. Have a layout that holds all of your objects and then you can just spawn items onto your game levels. That way the object is still found in the game and not already on the level if that's what you're trying to do.