Mike at BrashMonkey's Forum Posts

  • Does anyone know if it is possible to dynamically import Spriter animations? So that they can be loaded into the game via AJAX?

    Yes it is :)

  • For anyone who needs to know, its really convoluted for a non-programmer, but you can't use a file path for a "URL", even when using Node Webkit export.

    So you need to load the file into the binary data object, and then load from URL>and get the URL of the binary data object.

    You can read more about it here:


  • This is for local, not web. This is for node webkit export only. This can NOT be an image file in the game folder, it has to be from any folder the player selects.

    I know to use the file selector.

    I'm getting the proper full path to the image, but the load attempt still fails.

    This exact same code worked in Construct 2, but fails in Construct 3.

    I'm testing after exporting as node webkit, I'm not testing in the browser.

    Has anyone successfully done this in Construct 3 and knows the trick to get the new image to actually load in?

  • Hi Mike at BrashMonkey & lucid,

    Is it possible to use "override bones with IK" when the Spriter object is mirrored in C3 ? I think the IK somehow still use the non-mirrored version as the bones become inverted

    To verify the mirroring is causing the issue you could create a pre-flipped version of the animation in Spriter, re-import it onto C3, and see if the IK on that pre-flipped animation is working as expected.

  • Much appreciated Mike. Thanks!

    You're very welcome.

  • Hi guys, great to see Spriter getting such regular updates and support here on Construct 3. I'm a long time user of Spriter but I'm a bit out of the loop.

    Can someone update me - is it possible to do 2D deformation with the Construct 3 plugin yet?

    Where you could make say a static sprite bend, like a blade of grass?


    Mesh deforming support won't come until Spriter 2 and a Sprtier 2 plug in. for grass specifically there are shader effects you can get and apply directly to standard sprites in C3 to make a nice grass blowing in the breeze or reacting to a player's feet type effect.

  • Sorry I've been out of the loop for a while. I tested the demo project on my system many times and have found no issues with the demo when using R236 beta.

    I tried leaving the demo running for long periods of time, short periods, without network connection etc but it has so far worked every time.

    I think it's a matter of continuing to test and try to hone in on the specific circumstances that the load fails before we can report a new bug.

    It doesn't seem to be 'exactly' the same bug as before even if the outcome (the file failing to load) is the same.

    Thanks for the reply and testing. I've not tested much yet with R236 because the bug was not reported as fixed in the changelogs. I'll see if I ever still get the bug.

    tarek2 and jobel and , can you confirm the bug still happens with R236?

  • jobel tarek2 WackyToaster Grimmy

    It looks like this major issue will continue to be ignored until and if either Grimmy can change the status of his original bug report back to "open" or if one of us simply creates a new bug report reporting the same bug.


    Ashley This issue is definately back and completely blocking many of your customers from finishing their games. What's our proper course of action for you to take this seriously? Does Grimmy have to reopen the bug report or do we need to make a duplicate report?

    If you try your own or the original example project 10 times and don't get the bug on your end, (even though we've said repeatedly the bug definately occurs, but often after many runs without the problem occurring) Then shouldn't we find out what is the difference between your set up and ours? Maybe it's a matter of browser, OS, system specs?

  • Can you verify and link to whichever example project reproduces the bug consistently so Ashley can troubleshoot and fix it?

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  • not sure its related to this thread but music is still randomly not being loaded - happens as of today (stable r234.4) during Preview and happens often. Have not noticed it on NWjs (but I do those less).

    experimental features are turned off.

    what makes matters worse is I CANNOT AT ALL reproduce this in a small project. It only happens in something like the size of the game I am working on. I will say it was NEVER happened before r234.

    Ashley Are you keeping an eye on this thread anymore? Are you aware this is now proven to be a bug that has returned in the latest few builds? Somehow your fix got un-fixed.

    This is an absolutely game breaking bug forcing us to not be able to finish or especially publish our games until this is fixed... it's effecting Ajax, Music, and Spriter files.

  • I'm glad you can confirm this. This same bug of things sometimes failing to load seems to sometimes effect music files from loading and Spriter files too.. I have the same issue.. but now it only fails maybe once every 7 to 15 plays, so if you just run a demo once maybe you won't see the issue Ashley

    does the error show up every time you run the example program?

  • You were able to reproduce the bug before. Can't you simply try the same exact thing you did last time to confirm again?

  • Ashley I'm not sure if the problem is back for Ajax loading, but the Spriter loading issue had been fixed for the previous 2 beta builds (321 and 232), but now Spriter objects are failing to load again with c3 build 233. This also is bringing back the music files sometimes failing to load issue as well.

  • Ashley I think this bug might not be caused by Ajax specifically, Any file might fail to load, specifically files used by ajax, music files, and Spriter scon files.

    I removed use of the ajax object from several of the layouts of my project which were experiencing loading problems of sometimes the ajax, sometimes the music, and sometimes the spriter scon files and even if I run only those layouts which don't use the Ajax plug-in the loading failures persist.

  • What's the best way to retry an AJAX request on failure using jQuery?[SIZE=1]vidmix for pc jiofi.local.html[/SIZE]

    That seems like a question that needs its totally own post.