Mike at BrashMonkey's Forum Posts

  • So far it seems not possible with the native app, but you can do it (via browser and Facebook webpage) with a VERY carefully structured URL... be especially careful if you want to work on all devices... certain parts of the URL must be encoded etc, AND you need a freakin Facebook appID for your game even if you don't plan on publishing the game on Facebook.

  • Any way to detect if the game is running on a specific browser, specifically safari on IOS?



  • cool newt. thanks I'll try that... I still cant get mailto to work on IOS safari though.... which is very strange...If I enter mailto URL's directly into safari, it will work, when I do it from the game (via web) it fails.

  • dsarchy

    I guess easier if one already knows how to use Ajax request, PHP files and webservers. It saddens me that mailto, after all these years isn't universally supported an any remotely cohesive way...seems really lame.

    thanks for pointing me in the right direction for a potentially universal solution.. I'll google the terms you used and invest the time to learn and do those steps, as sadly, what should be a simple solution is not.



  • Hi Aphrodite,

    Thanks so much for mentioning the offline.appcache file. . I never paid any attention to it before, but opened it in a text editor, deleted the sound files from the list, and re-oploaded just that offline.appcache file.... the sound loading screen now works mostly as intended!

    It still seems to completely reload the sounds at the start of each frame, which is very unfortunate, I guess the only solution is to add a loading message to every frame instead of the start of the game.



  • Hi, this seems like a simple question, but all common sense approaches seem to fail...

    I created a frame, and simply used the "all preloads finished" event, with the action: go to splash screen

    works great the first time, it seems, but NOOOOOOOOOO once it goes to the splash screen apparently all sounds have been cleared from the memory they were just loaded into.... why?

    Even worse: When you click the refresh page icon in your browser, the loading screen is stuck in infinite loop because it thinks the sounds are already in memory ,therefore the on preloads finished event NEVER triggers!

    Has anyone else found the answer to this?

    I need a universal solution that will work on all devices, all browsers, and as an APP (cocoon js)



  • Hi newt,

    This is indeed turning into a ridiculously difficult project.. you'd think something so basic would be universal after all these decades...

    Currently my mailto URL works on the device in chrome, or as an app (cocoonjs) BUT refuses to work now in safari even though it did once, but never again even though I changed nothing...sigh...

    Also, It seems the MUST HAVE EMAIL ADDRESS rule is no longer true, as it worked at least on chrome and as an app with no email.

    I'll report back if I figure out a truly universal solution.

    Can you please explain how to include an image?!? That would be cool... but of course, if it then breaks on many of the platforms its most likely not worth it...I'd still like to give it a shot though.,

  • Update! This wasn't working on IOS devices, so I needed to encode the text for the subject and body AND IOS DEMANDS AN EMAIL ADDRESS!!!, like so:


    This format seems to work on all platforms

  • That worked, thanks!

    My final URL WAS: mailto:?subject=MYGAME score!&body=I just scored ____ points on MYGAME. Can you beat that? http://www.MYGAME.com

    I use the replace text feature to replace the ____ with the actual score before using that text as a URL.



  • Thanks so much newt... I'll give it a shot.



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  • No response to this? I'm having the same issue, my mute button is working great on pc/browser, and fails completely on IOS devices. Is a feature as simple as muting sound really this difficult to do with C2?


  • Hi Everyone,

    As seen here: http://wiki.akosma.com/IPhone_URL_Schemes#Facebook There's a special set of URL codes that allow IOS devices to trigger the opening of other apps if they are installed, such as Facebook and Twitter.

    Has anyone got this working with C2?

    Specifically, I've been using the standard URL structure supported by normal web/Facebook so that the player of the game can post their high score etc in a fairly automated way.

    Here's what I'm currently using:

    https://www.facebook.com/dialog/feed?ap ... mysite.com%2gameIcon.png&name=I%20just%20scored%20YYYY%20points%20on%20MYGAME!%20Can%20you%20beat%20that%3F%20www.MYGAME.com&caption=&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F

    This works, great, but of course is completely through a browser and does not use the actual app, which my client would prefer.

    I've not yet had any luck combining any of the possible FB// based url's in the link I provided above with the current browser based URL I'm using now... does anyone have more experience or expertise with this that can shed some lite on this puzzle for me?



  • No one?

  • Same problem here...works fine on pc browser, missing all kinds of stuff on mobile.

  • Maybe use a global value to keep track of the game you supposedly loaded, but only load it once you're ready to go from your desired layout the the actual layout that was saved? Basically, trick the player into thinking the game was loaded, but really its not until you select that specific latyout or whatever...

    or a hybrid of what I just said...like, have the save option save both the full layout, but also whatever basic info you need in webstorage...then the load feature first just loads the specific data you needed for the first layout, then loads the actual saved layout when the player goes there....make sense?


    Mike at BrashMonkey