Mikal's Forum Posts

  • Good question. I guess it's more of an user opinion.

    Right now it basically loads a skeleton and allows you to play an animation and mirror the direction. I think it needs at least one more trigger On Animation Finished or Looped, and then it will have at least basic functionality.

    However, what else would you need, looking at the flyover C2 plugin there's some more ACEs (in particular Events.)

    I suggest trying it out now and give feedback on the plugin github site (e.g. as an issue)

  • Congrats on the release! It's so much fun to play with and a ton of great examples.

  • It's by C3 layer and C3 z-order. However, if someone knows how to easily enable the common Z elevation ACEs, I will gladly add them to the ElementQuad plugin also.

  • Some babylon.js 3D render using some simple JS integration with ElementQuad to integrate into C3 render and C3 events (you can put it on different C3 layers, add C3 effects, change size, position, etc. of the rendered 3d image.)

    This is a template which uses C3 JS integration to add Babylon, it's not a Babylon add / plugin. It does use on plugin to show the results:


    You can also use C3 JS to access/manipulate the Babylon scene/engine, e.g.:

    + System: Every tick

    | Local number alpha‎ = 0

    ----+ (no conditions)

    -----> System: Set alpha to ElementQuad.Sine3.Value

    -----> Run JavaScript:

    scene.activeCamera.alpha = localVars.alpha

    scene.activeCamera.beta = 1.55+localVars.alpha/5

    Babylon Template (requires ElementQuad addon)


    Uses local project files for models / glb (works in preview and web)


    Have fun with it...

  • A quick check - do you have worker mode enabled? Sometimes this changes scope available to different scripts.

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  • Yes, I thought it might be relative, not absolute.

    You might take a look at this (use JS integration to access it), there are some comments on absolute orientation.


  • I have been using a relative compass heading in C3 for a 360 viewer on mobile.

    You might try and check if it's absolute though (depending on what you need.)

    Check out Touch.Alpha, Beta, Gamma


    To convert to a stable compass heading I use JS in a function:

    * On function 'compassHeading'

    * Parameter 'alpha' (Number)

    * Parameter 'beta' (Number)

    * Parameter 'gamma' (Number)

    -> Run JavaScript:

    var alpha = localVars.alpha;
     var beta = localVars.beta;
     var gamma = localVars.gamma
     // Convert degrees to radians
     var alphaRad = alpha * (Math.PI / 180);
     var betaRad = beta * (Math.PI / 180);
     var gammaRad = gamma * (Math.PI / 180);
     // Calculate equation components
     var cA = Math.cos(alphaRad);
     var sA = Math.sin(alphaRad);
     var cB = Math.cos(betaRad);
     var sB = Math.sin(betaRad);
     var cG = Math.cos(gammaRad);
     var sG = Math.sin(gammaRad);
     // Calculate A, B, C rotation components
     var rA = - cA * sG - sA * sB * cG;
     var rB = - sA * sG + cA * sB * cG;
     var rC = - cB * cG;
     // Calculate compass heading
     var compassHeading = Math.atan(rA/rB);
     // Convert from half unit circle to whole unit circle
     if(rB < 0) {
     compassHeading += Math.PI;
     }else if(rA < 0) {
     compassHeading += 2 * Math.PI;
     // Convert radians to degrees
     compassHeading *= 180 / Math.PI;

    On iOS 13 you also need to request permissions at least when using Safari. Here's my ugly UI method. If you find a better way, please let me know.

    + System: On start of layout

    + PlatformInfo: Is on mobile

    -> Run JavaScript:

    // Create the button
    var button = document.createElement("button");
    button.innerHTML = "Tap to Request Orientation Permission";
    button.id = "RequestOrientation"
    button.style.position = "relative"
    //button.style.left = "50%"
    //button.style.right = "50%"
    button.style.height = "600px"
    button.style.width = "360px"
    button.style.fontSize = "xx-large"
    // Append 
    var body = document.getElementById("fb-root")
    // var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
    // Add listenr
    button.addEventListener ("click",requestT)
     function requestT () {
    		console.log("***INFO*** RequestingDOE")
     	if (typeof(DeviceMotionEvent) !== 'undefined' && typeof(DeviceMotionEvent.requestPermission) === 'function') {
     .then(response => {
     if (response == 'granted') {
    				console.log("***INFO*** DOE Granted")
    				runtime.globalVars.requestPermission = true
     	window.addEventListener('devicemotion', (e) => {
     	// do something with e
  • I like the 'cloud' the slots revolve in, very nice. Perhaps you already have it with bigger wins, but the raining down of coins for a win is a traditionally nice slots touch. I'd be interested in how you might do that with this theme...

  • Here's my tips on converting effects from C2 to C3:


  • There’s an example project on the github.io site. I can get 60 FPS on iPhone with a number of characters. However fewer characters at 60 FPS with my Moto G6 test phone. Use the latest plugin (1.3.0.)

  • I am not the original author of the plugin, I did the simple JS template it was based on and I'm helping out with some of the WebGL coding to make it more effective in mobile, etc. At the minimum, I think an ACE needs to be added for On Animation Finished.

    For me, it has fairly reasonable performance on mobile on an iPhone XR and a Moto G6 now with the latest version of the plugin.

    Check if you are using the latest addon from the direct github link: github.com/gritsenko/c3_spine_plugin/tree/master/dist

    v 1.3.0 is the latest as of 10/10/2019, try it out on mobile and let us know how it goes.

    For the skin issue, try leaving the skeleton name parameter blank. There is some difference between a JSON w/ multiple skeletons and a JSON with just one. In your case is the export of just one skeleton? I am usually over in the Construct Community Discord, if you want you could upload/DM me the *.json and *.atlas and I could try. This plugin is compatible w/ the 3.8 version of Spine.

  • Elastic - ah that's too bad. I'll probably look at a way to 'pre-bake' that before runtime, but I will wait for the release, so I can see more details. Keep up the good work, looking forward to the release.

  • Great work, it looks so good. I am also thinking about using it with that elastic effect you demonstrated before, so it can hold shape while still being stretched and changed. Thanks for answering my questions.

  • Nice concept and style. I can imagine adding more commands and needed actions on more complicated levels. I also _wonder_ if having an 'up' arrow for older commands would feel good or if it's better to type out each command every time.

    Option for more 'advanced' players or more complicated levels to allow multiple commands on one line with ',' representing a fixed delay? e.g. north,,,,east,,north,,,south Just some thoughts, looking forward to the next iteration.

  • It might be worker mode, disable that in 'advanced project settings'. 'window' is not available to the thread running in a worker.

    See: construct.net/en/make-games/manuals/construct-3/scripting/using-scripting/javascript-construct