Mihai Damianov's Forum Posts

  • 5 posts
  • Most (if not all) skill games with cash prizes have a predefined time limit. This also helps against data tampering/hacking. C2 might be not the tool I need now, but it's definitely a great piece of software I'll be keeping an eye on. Hats off to you guys at Scirra and to the entire Construct community.

  • Ashley

    Problem #2: if the inactive tab is paused and the game is unable to run normally (it's forced to pause or to skip steps) it may result in a corrupt result which - in case of a duel with cash at stake - might seriously affect the contest holder's reputation

    Problem #3: I am unable to replicate the Internet Explorer popup and I don't remember what was it about, but it seems once you choose something it will force a refresh and won't pop up again.

    As for Problem #1, it may be a difference between browsers, but that doesn't make the final result any better. One choice would be to make the games unavailable for specific browsers, but from experience I can say people would rather ditch the game than play in a browser they're not comfortable with.

    Construct is a really awesome piece of software and it's taking me 3x longer to do the same things in Flash compared to C2, but for now this seems to be the better choice. Large skill gaming websites, such as king.com, are still using Flash for their new games, and they probably do it for a good reason.

    The time for HTML5 will come, but not just yet.

    I'll have to put my name on the list of people who dream of a swf exporter with C2 :)

  • Don't get me wrong, I totally like Construct 2. It got me really enthusiastic about building games; in fact so enthusiastic that I was planning to build my own gaming site, where people would play skill games against each other for fun and prizes. After toying with C2 for a couple of months I started building my first serious game. I encountered many problems but most of them were solved by searching through help, the forums or the plugins section. However small bugs just kept adding up: web fonts won't render in the same spot in FF compared to Chrome or IE, stuff running in background tabs in Chrome and Firefox is buggy even when using wallclocktime (I got the timers right after a few tries, but for example it won't execute System > Go to "Layer X" for some reason until tab gets active again) and another thing that I discovered earlier today, IE pops up a warning which if clicked refreshes the window. That is unacceptable when people are playing against each other because it can ruin their experience and my reputation.

    Of course, most of these bugs come from the browsers, not from C2 itself, but they show me that HTML5 is still far from being a good tool to develop professional games. Or maybe just not fit for my needs at the moment.

    Maybe it's time to go deep into Flash!? Many are saying that Flash is not gonna last much longer, but to me it now looks like they are wrong; offering a sturdy environment that works the same way in all browsers is not something easy to come by these days and Flash does just that.

    What is your opinion? What would be your choice for building professional community-oriented games?

    Thank you


  • Is this generating random values in the [0,1) range? (As in 0 is included, 1 is excluded.) Thank you

  • Try Construct 3

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  • SOLVED --- See edit at the bottom


    I have created a test game and embedded it on my website. The game has an X button if someone wants to stop playing. I'm using the Browser object to go to another page once that button has been clicked. The problem is that this happens in the iframe I published the game in, but what if I want the parent page to be redirected to the destination page?

    Is there a way to do this?

    Thank you!


    EDIT: Solved. I've found a way to work around the problem by adding a new action to the default Browser object.

  • 5 posts