Microbex's Forum Posts

  • I have tried that - I am doing following:

    "Have a variable called 'SinWave'

    On Every Tick - Set SinWave to Sin(2)"

    Still comes up with a static number.

  • Hi gentlemens.

    I need a variable that has an oscillation number going back and forth from -x to +x.

    To be honest, I am by far no math wiz, but..

    SIN(0) seems to be the answer but I can not get it to work.

    I suppose I have to use an every tick update, but I only get a static number?


  • Thank you so very much dop2000!

  • Hi guys,

    I am making a twin-stick shooter using my gamepad. The left analog stick is set up to make the player move on the layout and right you steer a crosshair to aim for the enemy.

    The layout is bigger than the screen view so the player has a 'scroll to' behavior.

    The ting is that I want the crosshair to be fixed to the screen (like a mouse pointer) so I put the crosshair on the GUI layer (that does not have parallax assigned.)

    The problem is when I want to spawn a bullet (player spawn another object) and set the bullet angle to the crosshair position x and y, the aim is pretty way off. I guess that having the player and crosshair on different layers with different parallax properties that makes the problem.

    How do I get around this problem? Thanks!

  • I think this is easy to incorporate if you are new to all of this. Glad I could help.

  • Ah, ok. Well there is lot of different ways to do what you want to achieve.

    I would make a layer on top of all the other layers and turn the visibility on and off when you need to show the message (text/sprite/whatever). You can have a lot of different message layers like that.

    Btw, I forgot to mention in the last post that your pivot point on your Sprite has to be centered too.

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  • Was it your player that had to be centered? I am not sure you really want to use Scroll X/Y - that centers your camera on the object.

    'Set X' to 'ViewportWidth(0)/2' and 'Set Y' to 'ViewportHeight(0)/2'

    That will center you sprite to your screen. The (0) is the layer number I guess.

  • Hi guys.

    Has anyone of you guys made a GOAP in C3? I would like to know how your setup look like and what is bedst practice for a GOAP. Thanks :)

  • I will give that a try, thanks mate. :-)

  • Hi, I want to make a remake of the old arcade game Gauntlet, and i startede with the ghosts AI. I put an '8 dir' & 'solid' behavior on the ghosts, and at first it seems to work out fine. But when they collide with my player, they start to push the player around. I know the ghosts just needs to get destroyed on collideing with the player, but other enemys will have bash me while standing next to me. Have a look at link if you like.


    Any good workarounds? Thanks guys!

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  • Not as I recall it, but it is a very good find too. :) Thanks mekonbekon

  • Hi Scirra guys.

    Is it possible to get a version number or some indicator that tells you what it the latest (beta)/version.

    It can be very confusing at times not knowing what version you are going to launch. Thanks. :)


  • I'm all ok, I'm not sensitive. ;-)

    I am already all over the settings and it works so well. Thank you again mate.

    It sure beats a gravity solution and will probably up the game difficulty for the player.

    I will pm you a draft on how it will work later this week.

  • Pepe sure has a lot of ***** for trump :D