mickeyboy's Forum Posts

  • Nandynho


    Thank you for your reply.

    I'm using andykenobi 's version.

    is your version fixed this problem?

    Thank you.

  • Hello.

    Can you please add "on alert confirm close" to alert confirm dialog, or when "alert confirm dialog" close also strigger"on alert close" event.

    Thank you.

  • rexrainbow

    Hello, do you have any planning to put the function to calculate a distance between 2 point?

    It ll be a great function, and helpful


  • nvm. i was try to change quality of snapshot in plugin source code.

    It work fine.

    If someone have a problem like me, you can change quality 100/100 to 50/100 in runtime.js.

    it solve the delay problem.

  • Thank you for great plugins.

    But i face the delay problem when using on iphone6 phus.

    The transition delay more than 1 second, sometime 3 seconds to start transition.

    Can you try decrease quality of canvas to improve performance? Thank you.

    I was try turn off Hi-dpi mode, and it fast, but my app look badly.

    Hope you can help, thank again.

  • rexrainbow

    Got it, thank you.

  • rexrainbow


    Can you change the default color of "Info Window" to black, please.

    Cause the background is white and text also white, so cannot see it.


  • cranberrygame


    Can you update Appsflyer plugin, please?

    i cannot build with appsflyer plugins, always have a error.


    I'm using XDK.

    Hope you can help, thanks.

  • It still available. No need testflight.

  • Hi

    I was tried to condition: test session

    But "On get invalid session" never trigger.

    "On get valid session" always trigger event when session is invalid.

    Sorry to bother you so much. But only you can help.

    Thank you.

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  • Hi

    Thank you for your update.

    it helped me much.


  • rexrainbow

    Thank you for your quick response and fix.

    Login with FB SDK working fine.

    About multiple login.

    Condition: is login, is working, but when i try use "Invert" to check if use is not login, it not trigger.

    Thanks again.

  • rexrainbow


    Thank you for your answers.

    FB Login.

    I 'll try to use login with facebook SDK.

    Multiple login :

    I don't want multiple login, so i was disable Multiple logins in dashboard.

    When user login again, the 1st session is logout(token no longer valid). But no way to detect this user is login or not.

    I want to do like this : when user login with same account in other place, notify the 1st session and move back to login layout.

    New problem :

    When using Safari this error come up. Only if using Safari(iOS, MacOS)



    Hope you can help.

    Thank you.

  • rexrainbow

    Hi Rex.

    I'm using your Backendless plugins to dev my game.

    everything seem fine, but i'm facing 2 problem that i cannot handle.

    1- When i use FB logging from Authentication, it not redirect back after user authorized.(Backendless cloud work fine, backendless standalone not redirect back)

    2- When 2nd user login to system, with the same user name, there is any solution to tell 1st user is logged out?

    I was set this option in Backendless : When a secondary login occurs, logout and notify: First user.

    But 1st user cannot receive this event.

    I tried condition:is login, on logged out, already, it not work.

    Hope you can help, thank again for a great plugins.

  • cranberrygame


    Thank for your great plugins, it help me alot.

    My game is almost finish but i have a serious problem about IAP.

    Since your Cordova IAP plugin don't have any way to verify receipt, or provide a information to help me make a verify receipt from server side, then user can easy by-pass IAP system to get infinity free gold,....

    Both Apple app store and Google Play store can by-pass easy if we don't verify receipt from server-side.

    Or at least we can set the developer payload string when making purchase requests like in this document.

    https://developer.android.com/google/pl ... html#nonce

    Hope you can help.
