which is the best way to travel from layout to layout while remembering the point of entrance/exit?
i managed to achieve this using global variables and a messy set of events but today i discovered there's a persist behavior. I already can see the uses i could have for that behavior but when talking specifically about the player object, (a character that has to travel back and forth from layout to layout), which is better?
When the character goes into a house, and then goes back outside, it has to spawn in front of the door andnot at the start of the level, but it also needs to remember all of the possible pickups inside of the house as well as the possible pickups BEFORE entering the house. i haven't gotten that far but i feel like theoretically, when i go back to the outside, the persist behavior wont keep the info of what was picked up inside the house , and will do so ONLY if i go back in the house. Is that correct or how does it work?