mertyildiran's Forum Posts

  • thehen

    My question was actually about the following issue. You are saying at this tutorial: "Copy specific files to Project folder in my Windows Phone Plugin package." In this wise we can make necessary changes on our project folder easily. But we want to learn what are these changes means because of some security criterias. There is no any explanation at the tutorial. I have analyzed the changes with GitHub and here is the result. So I'm asking you for an explanation about the differences between your Project folder and unmodified Construct 2 output.

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  • Why we have to use "your" Windows Phone Project files it seems not reliable. Your plugin not working alone. As far as I understand it we have to make some changes on my Windows Phone Project folder. What are theses necessary changes. I read this tutorial but I'dont understand what should I do ? I need really help I stucked on certification in Windows Phone store because "On back button" event not working can you explain me what should be my next steps ? I'm only add the plugin as a object and add the back button event so what is next ?