mercuryus's Forum Posts

  • update: now fully english


    minipoker is an older game i created for a customer years ago.

    Now it came to be converted to an onlinegame (and my first game for tablets & smartphones)

    It's easy to use:

    goal: get all the cash from the computer player

    howto: per round change the cards you like by selecting them (or keep all), bet (blind 1, max. 1000) and press the button on the right (the computer pays your bet if you win otherwise he takes your bet)

    scoring: nothing, 1 pair, 2 pair, 3 a kind, full house, 4 a kind, 5 a kind

    have fun (and drop a note if you like it)

  • ...wanna test a fresh - finished this moment - game? - sorry it's german language only (for now)

  • Thank you nija for your friendly testing.

    I'll follow your advices and work (also) on this topics.

    And thanx for the scoring capx - i'll take a look at it (even i'm working already on a online highscore list).

    I'm happy you like the game - i post new updates in the related topic.

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  • Graet! Thank you!

    here's my game:

    to the topic in C2-forum: quot-my-treasures-quot-for-pc_t108814

  • this is a cool and good looking start!

    I would prefer the hero couls strave (shoot and walk sideways left/right), this would make it more easy to kill the vamp - especial for the first contact.

    please continue!

  • update: title renamed to 'MyTreasures!'*1, first boss level implemented, splash implemented

    a huge and fast


    is the first boss blocking the exit.

    The shell protects and she spawns blue snails on her way - but she is not unbeatable (best killed with dynamite from the platforms).

    *1) I changend the title for better relation to the story behind.

    The [new] story:

    You are a treasure miner and while mining in the deep you where attacked by a huge and angry caveman.

    He won the short battle (in fact you where surprised to meet an angry human in your tunnels) and stole many of your treasures.

    Now you're prepared and on the way to get back your treasures...

  • enter the url, select it and press the Img-button

    (must be online of cause )


  • It took some (and will take some more) hours - up to now it's about 40-50h.

    Some details about the project?

    I startet with a prototype but I didn't liked the artwork very much. So I bought a sprite asset and startet over again with the same idea (btw - i love the C2 concept very much - thanx to Ashley, Thomas and Paulo for the great job).

    Depending on the objects of the asset I rewrote the game design document from scratch and wrote the core game functions using a sandbox level.

    On and on I added the NPC's and objects with their behavior and build the first levels with the new functions.

    At the same time the tutorial level, the menu, the sounds where implemented so far.

    Some alpha testers thought the overall gameplay is too easy other it's too hard to play so I implemented a dynamic game difficiulty system, depending on the players progress - and it gave the game a complete new challenge.

    As a result I had to redesign the existing leves for the new system.

    The next steps:

      - design the more complex puzzles for the level
      - build more levels and implement the already planned game options (e.g. viewrange, ...)
      - implement the shop system

      (the player can upgrade to more powerfull tools, to solve the later levels)

      - mix the levels background music
      - implement the login and onlinehighscore system
      - final game balancing

    (and maybe i have some additional ideas while finishing the game )

    I would love to get a lot of response on what you like/dislike - so please drop a note after you've played the game



  • Do you think of something like this?:

    Maybe post some screenshots of your work?

  • Hi!

    why not give a generator a try?


  • A lot of major updates are now implemented:

    • new enemies, objects, treasures
    • the game play has got an enhanced complexity (automatic difficulty level depending on the players success: higher difficulty = more fun/objects/cash)
    • the menu is growing (helpscrees, shop, ...)
    • the savegame handling (local) now works

    please give it a try ( and give some feedback

    thanx, mercuryus

  • First enemies spotted!

    Digging deeper for treasures the first enemies where spotted.

    Looking cute but they are MONSTERS protecting the goods!!!

    (most reported bugs fixed, new demo, same link)

  • hmmmm... tasty

    nice idea

  • Thanx for feedback p0pzst,


    Can confirm the problems - will fix them.

    thnx, Ulrich