mercuryus's Forum Posts

  • I tried it, it works!

    The controls are easy to understand, but the game is still tricky (which is fine), however, I had some bugs, like a jump thru moving platform that made me elevate inside it, and if you are in mid air and did not jump yet, you can jump by pressing left and right.

    I will see what i can do with this behavior...


  • This look like a really funny game.

    Cant wait to see it in motion (or better to play it).

    Keep on!

  • How can i know where are the blocks, or it's just a trial and error.

    Sounds boring 'trial and error' but it's not the only thing:

    There is some kind of help within the levels: the heart indicates a long walk, the lightblub indicates a 'difficulty sections' and there is more to come (a flash to show the entire level for some ms).

    The all in one gameplay is more like a

    memory game

    (with a bit of a puzzle game).

    You explore the path to the exit- and mostly lose at the beginning - but you can remember the path in part and learn the level mechanics (e.g. select the key to open a door or get the heart to finish the level).

    Finally you're managing the whole way and win the level.

    (The game always start with 'your' current level but you can reset the game to start over)

    The rule of the game is: You have 100 steps to reach the exit (unnoticed how you use it).

    On and on level get harder and - if you like such games - you have fun to play the other challenges...

    More to come:

    The game is still WIP and while creating new levels i add the one and other idea to make the game more fun...

  • Very cool game!

    I like it.

  • Hi!

    last days i thought about a new game concept (no mainstream clone).

    (target platform will be tablets/smartphones)

    The blind sheep (aka steps) was the result.

    It's WIP but i want to ask what you think about...

    how to play:

    touch and drag the player/sheep to the home.

    Avoid walls (a collision reset the sheep to its last valid position [you ended touching])

    so far: a heart refill your steps and lamps shows the walls arround it when passed over

    There are 7 (update: 11) levels so far. Press ESC to return to the menu.


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  • I wanted to try, but it instant-crash, with what did you make it? (If it is crosswalk, you may need to upload the 2 architectures, aka x86 and arm)

    You're right!

    I uploaded also the x86 version to google play.

    Meight you try it now again?

  • an easy to control but challenging

    jump and run game.

    Target platform is android with touch interface (tablets/smartphones) and therefor the control is optimized.

    You move the player with just two (left/right) buttons, the player jumps automatically at edges, doublejump is possible.

    There are three levels so far (vulcano, cave, zombie cemetery) each with different style and different gameplay.

    The level are challenging - that was also an intention of the gameplay.

    download the final version (free and without advertising) from google play:

    watch the youtube trailer:

    .. and here some screens:

    the cave (loot the huge cave and find the exit)

    the vulcano (escape the vulcano before the lava kills you)

    the zombie cemetery (find the BIG BRAIN as an explorer or become a zombie - both has advantages )

    ...give it a try...

  • Hi linkman2004,

    thank you very much for this clever solution and the demo script!

    It's exactly what i was looking for.

  • Hi - i need a hint how to set the angle of an object to the collision polygons of an other object (like a physics object would do) but not using physics.

    Like a car driving a hilly road...

  • Hi Mercuryus,

    Is this a Paid Gig?




    Depends on your price.

  • Hi!

    I'm thinking about to make a 'Junk Jack' like game (SP maybe MP) with C2.

    I would do the coding (maybe the sounds) but I'm urgently in need of the massive graphics items!

    Does somone knows some good assets for such a project or is someone interrested to create a team with me for this project?

    Thanks for your answers...

  • and out now on amazon! ... risiko+app

    check it out...

  • Anonnymitet feels good - I like it! Very pro!

  • out now on google play -

    please check it out...