mekonbekon's Forum Posts

  • If the non-player object is simply performing a ping-pong movement left and right it might be better to remove the platform behaviour and either:

    1) add another sine behaviour set to horizontal movement


    2) give the object max_X, min_X and speed instance variables then add code along the lines of:

    Every tick object.X = self.X+self.speed

    If object.X > object.max_X OR object.X < object.min_X, trigger once, object.speed = object.speed*-1

  • The player sprite doesn't need solid, just platform behaviour.

    The floor doesn't need physics, just solid.

  • Try:

    Hero is on floor

    (sub event) Right arrow is down OR on touched object

  • I've used bitballoon to host many games and not had any problem with arrays, which I use often. I don't zip the files though - maybe that's part of the problem?

  • jeffige

    I got excited when i read your suggestion as i didn't think of that and seems obvious, but unfortunately, the platform is a tiled background so unless i'm mistaken, you can't modify collision points.

    Could you not move the collision box on the avatar up a couple of pixels instead?

    Alternatively, how about changing the tiled background for a tilemap? You can set the collision individually for each tile.

  • A slightly simpler solution without using arrays:

    Use System condition|Compare two values:

    If (value-1%4) is equal to 0

    and value > 8

    Set button visible

    else Set button invisible

  • Where are the newX and newY values coming from?

  • It's very easy

    Click on the shadow light object; adjust its opacity value in the object's properties - about 15% should work fine.

  • You could try the following:

    Add instance variables "directionX" and "directionY" to the block

    Set those variables at the start to 0

    On moving block:

    enable bullet behaviour;

    if direction = up set directionY to -1,

    if direction = down set directionY to 1,

    if direction = left set directionX to -1,

    if direction = right set directionX to 1

    On block overlapping with wall:

    disable bullet behaviour;

    Set block (X,Y) to ((block.directionX*(wall.width+block.width)/2)+wall.X ,(block.directionY*(wall.height+block.height)/2)+wall.Y);

    Set block.directionX and block.directionY to 0

    This method assumes that your blocks and walls are positioned on a grid.

  • Are you trying to make sure that the second level stays locked after completing the first level, or to unlock automatically after completing the first level? Or maybe something else...

  • Do you have any other actions running on the loading is complete event, e.g. go to layout? If so test by commenting those additional actions out and just run the "loading is complete" event and "destroy object" action to check that those actions aren't preventing the object being destroyed.

    Also, silly question perhaps, but is the object you are destroying actually on the loader layout or on another layout?

  • Hi, I bought this book a while back, and on the whole I think it does a pretty good job of introducing the basics and would recommend it to beginners. Yes, you can find pretty much everything you need in the tutorials and manual, but often having a well structured collation of the fundamentals that you can work through systematically is a much more efficient way to get a solid grounding. Nice work roberto!

  • played a little bit, now I am leading the score board.

    I do not know for how long I will be leading.

    No more, somebody's beating us both! Time to defend my title, methinks...

  • the colors and sounds are great.

    I have to agree, the text is annoying.

    tip: you could make a screen just with the instructions or show the text just on first time playing.

    Thanks for the feedback, glad you enjoyed it. I'm working on the text at the moment; I wanted to avoid an instruction page as most players tend to skip straight through it, but I can certainly hide the text after the first play - only problem is if you miss something the first time around you would have to restart the game... hmm... Maybe I could add a toggle somewhere. Alternatively I could hide the text permanently once you've completed the skill. Lots to think about!

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  • snOke



    A minimalist, analogue, snaking game.

    Birth. Eat. Grow. Death. Begin again.

    Drag or tap to guide the snOke.

    Eat the good things.

    Don't be tempted by the bad things.

    About the Game

    This is the first full game I developed in C2. I worked on it a couple of years ago, forgot about it, remembered this week and thought I'd dust it off and pop it on the Arcade for a bit of fun.

    The intention was to create as simplified a game presentation as possible, avoiding using text unless absolutely necessary, to see how few pointers I could supply and still have players grok the game. You can contrast this with my previous game, Thanks... Chicken?!, which goes to the other extreme and bombards you with information.

    The game performs well on modern phones, tablets and desktop browsers. I find the controls easiest on a tablet.

    I had ideas about making each stage of the game (birth, life and death) a separate game, with the results of one feeding into the starting conditions of the next in a continuous loop, reinforcing the circle of life/ Ouroboros theme. Another thought was to modify the mechanics of the food for each colour stage of the life game to pose different challenges. Any other ideas for v2.0.0?

    Thanks for reading, hope you enjoy the game.