My suggestion would be to use a 3D array, in the following format:
[Question_1], [Answer_A, FeedbackA, NextQuestion, sanityMod, strengthMod, ...],[Answer_B, FeedbackA, NextQuestion, sanityMod, strengthMod, ...]
[Question_2], [Answer_A, FeedbackA, NextQuestion, sanityMod, strengthMod, ...],[Answer_B, FeedbackA, NextQuestion, sanityMod, strengthMod, ...]
Each X field contains all the data for a particular question; Y0,Z0 = question text; Y1,Z0 = answer A text, Y1,Z1 = Feedback text; Y1,Z2 = NextQuestion; Y1,Z3...Zn = stats modifiers; Y2,Z0 = answer B etc...
This keeps all your questions and answers together in one array. NextQuestion points to the X value of the followup question for that particular answer. This makes it a lot easier if you want to change the pointer for the followup question or add new questions to the array.
I would also read up on how to store your array data in a JSON text file and import it with the AJAX object - it's going to be a whole lot easier editing a text file than updating all of those entries directly in Construct.
Hope that helps