megatronx's Forum Posts

  • All i see for the coming years is the move away from desktop to phones and tablets. Node-Webkit is a pretty poor excuse for a proper executable on the PC. Its a real shame but i dont see anyone having much inclination to provide other, better options.

    As for a 40mb file on a PC. So what. Doesnt affect the PC at all.

    40mb not a big deal, but was surprised, and also it was going to be sent to someone.

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  • You should already be able to get the last pressed vs. last released simply by updating two global variables to the LastButton expression in 'On any button pressed' and 'On any button released'.

    I'm not sure what the problem with the analog sticks is: they are axes, not buttons, so they don't have keycodes. You have to handle keys and axes separately.

    Hi, Ok, i get it now how the sticks are working, and why I can see 2 keycodes instead of 4. Released buttons works like a charm. Was so fixated on keycodes that I've missed that. Thanks!

  • Hi,

    I would like to ask to improve the gamepad plugin.

    First of all, add separate expressions for "last button pressed" and "last button released". Atm when two buttons are being hold simultaneously, but then one released, the released button is not registered when "On gamepad button Gamepad.LastButton()". (Maybe there is another way if anyone knows? )

    Secondly please fix the issue where there are no keycodes for for left and right analog stick UP and LEFT directions.



  • ^^ Now that's a good idea! Thanks megatronx - and just before I started to put sounds in (phew)!

    You're welcome

  • Ok, megatronx . Now I'm curious. What is the nature of this special something? I've been using C2 for over 2 years now and I keep discovering new things it can do. I imagine the shortcomings are either 3d related or inability to use some sort of io device maybe?

    I can't tell you yet, sorry, but it's something no one thought about yet, if not bit abstract. To get what I want, I'd probably have to program things myself, you have to take my word for it, which I can't do due to lack of skill unfortunately.

  • I'm doing something special, but it seams c2 is not capable of all I need to do. So will build a prototype and then try getting a programmer.

  • For what it's worth, I heard some very good advice on this subject a while ago. Use a Dictionary object and set a key to the audio file name you want to play. Then, to play sounds, select "Play (by name)" and get the file name from the key value that you set earlier. Then, if you need to update an audio file, all you need to do is import the new audio file and change the name in the appropriate Dictionary key. The old file(s) can be deleted and you won't need to find every audio command in your game events to change the reference. For example:


    That's one way. You can also just make a function, so there is only one play event per sound.

  • Yeah, that's node webkit. thanks for info!

  • WTF!? Controler Key Codes is a whole project. There is almost nothing in there. You can see in the image. Yet after exporting it is 40mb!! Why?!

  • Hi,

    I'm just gathering data on pad keycodes ( 360 pad ) and whenever i press left or right stick to the left or up, there is no keycode being displayed. All other buttons display it (Set Text: Gamepad.GamepadID(0) & ": " & Gamepad.LastButton(0) ).

    Any idea why that may be???


  • Will try What about enter's? Thanks!

  • Hi,

    Great plugins!

    But I have a problem - I cant seam to get any url with url withCurrentURL expression other then the first one loaded in to the frame. I'm using node webkit.

    Also 2 more things: any chance of integrating construct kb commands, so when i am copping the text from it, i can acctually use events to do some extra things with keyboard? And any chance of being able to either copy text to clipboard when dragging highlighted text, or some chance of being able to drag it from iframe to textarea? thanks!

  • Hi,

    Could anyone help me with setting up the height of textarea to total height amount of text within it?


  • Hello,

    Is there a way - is it possible to have nested lists in the list box?


  • Work on families instead of objects. Then you just simply add and remove object within family and event remain intact.