megatronx's Forum Posts

  • But that's not all of the issues. What about NW not working on mac and linux properly yet? And what about those random freezes when running exported build?

  • Sory, nie jestem w stanie ci pomuc. Ale pamietam ze jak mieszkalem w pl to tez nie moglem zakladac wlasnego hosta na gre, bo na moim koncie byla na hostowanie blokada. Tyle ze to bylo 10 lat temu XD W kazdym razie, pewnie orange tez blokuje ci zakladanie serwera ze wzgledu na ilosc dopuszczalnego trransferu ktory masz. Tak w sumie zgaduje. Najlepiej zadzwon w pon do orange i sie dowiedz.

  • You guys got to start reading with understanding haha XD All I said is that I'm on the issue and will start doing something towards getting things fixed when right time comes, soon.

  • megatronx That's great idea.

    But why? Why WE - users, should be doing that?

    NW is integral part of C2. It's not a thing that you need to download and setup separately.

    Imagine you bought a game, and you have some issue with one level not running correctly. What would you say if developers of that game would say "I'm sorry but we did not make this level, Contact XXX because they are responsible of that part of the game"

    Why, well, even thought i can still wait, since my game is in early stages, I would like to know that at the end of this journey it will work as intended. I guess I just know that if we wont take things in our hands things will not improve in a way I'd like to see those things improving and within a timescale that is reasonable.

  • shinkan I've been already contacting some users in regards to NW, to see what their opinion is and weather they would be willing to help doing something about it. Next month I could even pay some money towards hiring a programmer to do a proper wrapper, or fix NW. But that's one of the possibilities. I will start a topic soon on this subject, so we can collect all known to us NW issues, and discuss what could be done.

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  • johnrazor It's all right. No need for apology as nothing bad had happened.

    I'm still a start up myself , but fell free to ask me anything and I might be able to help out.

    "I could have spent a fair bit less on equipment" - you've spent peanuts. In any industry that involves technology, you get what you pay for. Best gear and plugs are so expensive not without a reason. They get your things done quicker and in better quality.

  • Hi all. I'm calculating the amount of time and money invested into my entries into the new asset store-- hoping to shed some light on the topic. I have a lot of relatively expensive gear, which means the total figure is going to be negative for a while (or indefinitely). I'm omitting anything not directly related (for example, I'm not listing my computer, my laptop, or any furnishings as 'gear', since I would have them even if I didn't write music). I'll update it at several points, most likely once per month until a postmortem is warranted. Cheers and hope this is helpful.



    $100 - Alesis Q49

    $500 - NI - KS2

    $200 - NI - KF1

    $600 - ION / Alesis DM6

    $400 - NI Maschine MK1

    $600 - Monitors / IEMs / Amp

    $600 - Software (Ableton / VSTs / etc.)


    $3000 total

    PACK: rez.fd.01

    20 hours composing / editing / mastering

    2 hours marketing / publishing


    22 total hours

    (sales TBD)

    PACK: rez.ds.01

    17 hours composing / editing / mastering

    1 hour marketing / publishing


    18 total hours

    (sales TBD)

    Current results (August 9, 2014 - Pre-opening)


    40 hours


    (-$75 / hour)

    Total number of sales required to break even: 254

    Hey, you didn't say what the experiment is about - what are you trying to prove with it?

  • Money doesn't make good music, but the more time u have for it, the better it will be, and time is money.

  • hmmmm...

  • Sounds like it would be useful

    • Post link icon

    > Which group to upload to background ambiance?


    Do you mean graphics, or sounds?

    Just background ambiance track.

    • Post link icon

    Which group to upload to background ambiance?

    • Post link icon

    I'd suggest moving Preview above rating and description, just underneath the banner, then make it shorter, and put Buy button to its right.

  • While I agree with Arima that the big reason the hold off is due to the holidays. I think r200 is going to be some form modularity.

    How do you expect modularity to work?

  • megatronx It's not related to C2 editor, it happens when you double click node-webkit.exe it takes like 15 seconds to run the game.

    Game Dev Tycoon was like damn 5 seconds.

    I remember having this happen to me to some time ago, with one of my prototypes. Out of curiosity what size is your game?

    Also, going to pm you in a mo about something.