megatronx's Forum Posts

  • Thanks for detailed presentation. Both issues were mentioned on several occasions, but nothing was done about them.

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  • So... what's a comments blocker?

    It blocks comments on websites such as online magazines or youtube. Very useful: makes websites load much faster, and keeps your mind in good shape ( when not seeing so many negative responses, all saying ME THIS and ME THAT )

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  • Off the top of my head, I'd say try reversing the second and third conditions in the TargetSet function.

    It worked. Thx. I understand now that logic In c2 is "from all objects with variable N pick nearest". Bit odd to me, but thats fine.

    But Mirror function only worked partially - only several instances mirrored, and rest stayed the same! Top function is called on click of mouse : on click, for each IN FAMILY, call function. Seams like there is not enough tick to do all. I don't get it.

    EDIT@ To mirror, I've added "Pick by unique UID" and it worked. But it's weird that I don't need to do any picking before, if objects where picked in previous events. ANy idea why? THX!

  • Hi,

    I have a problem with my functions, and i'm baffled what's wrong. Basically the function on top of the image works, but then subsequent functions don't. Any idea? Thx

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  • Y'know if we quit using behaviors and taught people to use events to write their own, as it should be, then everyone could do this and much, much more themselves. And learn quite a few things in the process. Juuust saying.

    I still don't know, how could I make platform movement without behaviours. Could Ashley or someone else create a tutorial explaining how this could be done and workings of math used ( for jumping )? Thx!

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  • Again, I had a problem with choppiness of platform behaviour, but after switching to PlatformPlus, issue was gone. It was as simple as that.

  • As long as the rendering is done in OpenGL shaders (which I suppose Construct is doing) the impact on the frame rate should not be big.

    I would like to set up a tutorial for C2 but - unfortunately I don't know much about the engine...

    I could offer a free SpriteIlluminator license if somebody has time to work with me on a tutorial.

    Well, damn, I would help you writing it, but would not be able to help you on the programming side.

  • Hi,

    I'm looking for a way to make procedurally growing tree for my game, but I don't know how to go about it. Any suggestions?

