megatronx's Forum Posts

  • I'm not adding this to the tracker because I have NO idea what causes it.

    Sometimes, for a reason I don't know, the entire contents of an event sheet are replaced wholesale with another open event sheet. The event sheet being replaced was not selected when this happened. It's happened to me on a couple of different occasions. The most recent time was particularly annoying, as I didn't have a backup (stupid, I know) and I need to rewrite the sheet now.

    Anyone else have this happen to them? Any idea what might be triggering it?

    same happend to me yestarday. i all ready added it to the tracker.

  • I just would like to point out that the more i`m learning about construct possibilities the more i think how excelent this software is! ( just add xne export after v1.0 pls )


    I do not want to be boring.

    But how to do that only a one banana disappeared?

    you know what? when i turned on preview mode, nothing appeared, only blank screen. i turned it off and cons crashed. BUG.

  • wow, congrats.

  • Anyone else experiencing quite a few crashes? I had like 15 crashes today - and that happend while doing simple stuff like changing from the animation events to the main events, etc.

    i had loads of crashes yesterday. Some of them i have putted trucker ( and now i`m registered so everyone will know i`m )

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  • 1. Put the Sine and Bullet behaviors on the beecalmask object instead of the bee. (You should always move the base, not the top. As an analogy: you want to pull on the wagon, not the rider.)

    2. Put the beecalmask object into a container with the bee. (IMPORTANT - this helps pick the right bee when the mask is picked)

    3. Destroy bee and mask on startup.


    <img src="">

    Event 3 is "On collision between beecalmask and ground."

    Also, use the layer name instead of calling for the number... layer numbering seems to be wonky right now.

    By the way, your game is looking pretty slick

    Thanks man, already sort it out last night.

    just don't know yet will it work wih bullet colission... i`ll see later.

    And yeah, glad you like it ^^

  • I know, I know. We can't keep adding new features before 1.0 though. There's already too much to do, we're all just part-time volunteer coders, and the more that gets added the more maintenance is required when inevitably there are bug reports. 1.0 is hopefully not that far off so we can start these kinds of projects afterwards. Alternatively, look to hire a coder to write this in the plugin SDK for you right now.

    Btw. You ( as a team) should find one more proggramer to help. Maybe even someone from click scene? Would help you a lot, wouldn't?

  • Those aren't chiptunes. Chiptunes are lo-fi, 8-bit music. Think NES, or ZX Spectrum.

    i haven't used google ^^'

  • What is a 'google'??

    I don't have anything noteworthy made, but I wouldn't mind hearing other people's work

    well ok, thats my metroid tune

    and fantasy/film? tune (stilll working on this one)

  • you need to package the latest directx dll in the same folder as your exe.

    its probably a directx not up to date issue.

    even if you right, error message should appear.

  • i went throu other tutorials and help solutions, but i still don't know what i`m doing wrong. Can any one help my bees detect envirement? Weird thing is that sometimes thay are working fine, sometimes they don't.

    link to cap file



  • Game.exe file i was trying to run on my friends dell xps m1530 didn't worked. What happed was N amount of blank windows appeared, and everytime you were trying to turn dem off, more appeared. And thats weird, couse same game.exe is working on my laptop, and her is much more decent and recent ( and only month old).

    just thought i let you know ( added to the trucker all ready)

  • Isn't that what the timeline object was made for?

    I add it yesterday, and preview game didn't worked, and was crashing temp.exe.

    i've posted it on tracker already.

  • I think that function 'Wait" known from rpg maker would be great addon for eavent sheet editor. In stead of plaing around with variables, and making special events for substracting/adding variable value every x ticks, we would get the same resoult by putting 'wait' betwen other functions. for example: object colision -> play animation 1, wait 5 sec/x.x ticks/till animation is over, play animation 2.

    this would be extramly helpful with simple event behaviors.

    i hope i've explained it clearly enough^^

  • what is a 'chiptune'??