I'm not British, but I live in Britain. 5 years moved from Poland which was under cominists regime for around 5 decades ( which was **** btw) so i'm not veery attached to Royal Family and for me they are more like subjetcs of observation, but not interest. So I'm probably on the same boat as you deadeye. Hawever I've got loads of British mates so I've got some opinion on how they percive Royall Family. Some of them just lough, and say that's Britain is still a mediviel country, some others are proud of it and pumping their egos, and some don't care at all. I personly agree with Ashleys mom, however:
Have I won a cookie?
And the 'Evolution at work' is just brilliant. Would love to see this being spoken live by monthy python or allan partrige
Edit@ but you have to admit that the new princess is FIT as HELL XD