medervolfr's Forum Posts

  • 11 posts
  • Look for Local Storage. With that you save data locally .

  • Anyone ? I would really need your help :)

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hello, I'm trying to do an mobile app (android ) in which i'm using UserMedia and GameRecorder plugins to record the camera input.

    My point is to finally save that video recording in the app and replay it at a button pressing.

    Usin GamreRecorder.RecordingURL and puting it as a source of a Video plugin i can replay my last recording.

    But my problem is that, i want to save multiple videos inside the app so that i can replay then in different certain of times. I tried to make multiple layouts and save one video per layout but it always get's deteled the video recording when i switch layouts.

    So my question is, how can i record and save inside the app more than one recording without deleting the previous ones.

    Also, is there a way to download the recording directly to the phone media ?

  • Taking out the MobileAdvert from the project is succesfully building my project . But still i would like to use it :)

  • construct 3 cannot create more signed apks, not sure what do you want to reproduce lol

  • I'm having this same issue. As well if i export to android studio, once i oppen it there, i got errors.

  • I'm having this same issue. As well if i export to android studio, once i oppen it there, i got errors.

  • I'm having this same issue. As well if i export to android studio, once i oppen it there, i got errors.

  • I've been looking for a while and couldn't find a way in which i could use construct's 3 export option to make my icons adapt to android's different icon shapes possibilities.

    I've tried with different sizes or blank backgrounds but i never could get it right.

    Does anyone encountered this or knows how to fix it?

  • Thank you very much.

    With your help i have noticed that i am laking some icons.

    The problem was that i have opened an old C2 project and have worked over it. ( and it had different icon sizes).

    I have created the new ones and now it works fine !

  • Hello, I'm currently having the icons in the "icons" folder of the construct editor. Everything looking fine ( changed all the 5 default sizes with my desired ones )

    Like this :

    But when i export it as signed apk and install the apk on my google pixel device, the icon is inside of another white square( or circle, depending on my system's icon shape preferency) ( in a smaller size )

    Like this :

    How do i make to show my icon properly in the entire space ?

  • 11 posts