Matt Slanchik's Forum Posts

  • 7 posts
  • Thankfully, he figured it out. It was a nightmare with all the different files.

    I think he did something similar to what you said and painstakingly put all the correct files with the correct names in the right places.

    In the future, I will want to keep it all one project to avoid this. I hope no work has been lost.

  • We have level 1 and level 2 as two separate construct 2 projects. How do we combine them? I've tried everything.

  • Oh okay, thank you very much everyone. I will inquire further there, but sounds like a no. Take care everyone and thank you again

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  • Oh okay, thank you very much everyone. I will inquire further there, but sounds like a no. Take care everyone and thank you again

  • Thank you guys for the clarification on this. I think there was some form of miscommunication between my business partner and I about these fx. He was under the impression that ALL of his effects were webgl and all needed to be replaced. Thanks to your help we now know that his game actually contains 0 webgl.

    A question now, is there a way to use webgl for the fx, add blendmodes, and somehow get it to work on Wii u?

  • Unfortunately, I wasn't part of the dev team on this until after the effects were already made in webgl. Is there a way to -remove- the webgl from them all while leaving the effect in tact?

  • My company is trying to get a Construct 2 game onto the Wii U in the very near future, but it does not support WebGL particle effects.

    I need to start making the replacements, but I'm not exactly sure how to make non-WebGL ones in Construct 2.

    Could someone offer me some advice or point me in the right direction for this? Thank you.


  • 7 posts