mathsciences35's Forum Posts

  • Thanks for your feedback. I will test it today on a classroom. I will see if the arragement of the area is ok.

    But for the challanging I'm agree with you. That's why I wrote that's a beta version. It's just 2 hours of work.

    If you have other thing to reply, it will be very important for me.

    Thanks for writing !

  • For my classroom I make a game to practice change return to custumer.

    It's a beta version. I juste want feedback to optimize it. ... time-10524

    Thanks for testing.

  • I wait, and then I will test it again.

  • I test your game, and for me it's to difficult.

    The game is directly hard. I think It will be better and more addictive if the difficulty grow from easy to hard.

    For the interface, it's simple but good.

    I sorry my english is not good. I hope you will understand me.

  • Wouw, simple but If the difficulty is not directly hard I think it will be one of addictive game. Did you think about scoring or star to fully complete level.

    The design look pretty good to.

    If you post a Demo I will test it !

  • Asmodean I upload a new version of MathSearch. And I make what you say. If you have time, can you re-test for a new feed back ?

    Thanks for all

  • Thanks for the feedback. I know that is vert basics. But it's just a one day job. For the moment I wait for feedback for making a new upload.

    Thanks Asmodean for feedback, and I'm agree with you. For the moment the animations are very statics. Next week I will work on it.

  • Today I make a little game to learn arithmetics.

    Can you try it and tell me what is wrong and if it's possible what is right.

    It's just a beta, for exemple there is no sound and no recording records.

    Thanks for reading and trying.

    The link is : ... arch-10050

  • I search a little more and I find a solution. You have right oosyrag, it's more easy to use one item.

    At fist I use the ID of each object. Because I'm a rookie it was difficult.

    So I just use a "for" loops. Specially the "for each object". Ans with that it's so easy to make what I want.

    If someone want more explication I can send my capx.

  • Merci pour l'aide.

    J'avoue ne pas avoir compris votre notion d'angle. J'imagine que vous souhaitiez que mon poisson s’oriente suivant qu'il monte ou qu'il descend, mais un poisson reste quasiment toujours horizontal.

    Par contre votre idée de changer le début du jeu : "le poisson commence par monter" est une excellent idée. Cela permet clairement d'avoir un démarrage du jeu simplifié et moins frénétique.

    Par contre pour modéliser cela j'ai simulé une pression sur saut dans le jeu.

    Encore merci de ces conseilles très précieux pour moi.

  • Merci beaucoup pour les retours. Par contre, qu'est ce qui ne va pas pour mat'heretics ?

  • Thanks a lot !

  • Hye, at first sorry for my english :

    For a game I have an Array (10x10) with 100 random values.

    Because of interaction (touch) between all values, I decid to assign each values of the array to a spritefont.

    My question is : Is there a simple solution to create 100 independant spritefont(not the same name) ?

    I hope you could understand what I'm talking about, because I don't want to manually create 100 individual spritefont.

    Thanks for reading.

    PS : I search for 1hour on the forum with the keywarl "duplicate" but I see nothing about what I search for.

  • Thanks a lot for your feedback Asmodean, this forum is very cool for that !

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  • Thanks jogosgratispro. For sure it's a good idea. But it's difficult to make game student like to play. That's why I post here my game to have comment. These feedbacks could upgrade the plaisure of playing for these "serious game".

    For me, the real difficulty is to make an eduction game but that could be fun.

    Asmodean and 99Instances2Go, after your feedback I make on upgrade of Asteroid with mathematics. Thanks for all !