math2016's Forum Posts

  • 6 posts
  • Hello,

    I managed to fix my issue a few days back. Posting for benefit of anyone else who has a similar issue.

    The issue was with img.crossorigin attribute. In the c2runtime.js file, there is a line (for me line 4598) where this attribute is "anonymous". This has to be set up as "use-credentials"

    Now my game works fine in IE. Hope this helps someone.


  • Thanks for taking a look at this. Been trying to fix it all day now.

    I'm think its because the files are on sharepoint that I'm not able to load the images in IE. When I publish the game to google drive, it loads fine in chrome and IE. Can I host the images in a different location and change the reference to look elsewhere?


    Could you see if you can download this?

  • How can I send you the capx please? I don't see an option to attach files and I can't PM you since I'm still a newbie.

  • I have IE 11 . Is there anything I can check in the settings that could prevent files from loading properly?

    I'm building this game for people who mostly likely will have only IE - so would be difficult to get them to start installing other browsers.

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  • I just built my first game and have it hosted on a sharepoint site. The game works fine on chrome and firefox.

    However, on internet explorer, it works on localhost but not when opening the index.html from sharepoint. I get error messages on loading the images in the browser console. Can anyone help on this?

    Error loading image '...........Game/images/bkgnd_sprite-sheet1.png': [object Event]

    "Error loading image '............Game/images/bkgnd_sprite-sheet1.png': "


    [functions]: ,

    __proto__: { },

    AT_TARGET: 2,

    bubbles: false,


    cancelable: false,

    cancelBubble: false,


    constructor: { },

    currentTarget: { },

    defaultPrevented: false,

    eventPhase: 2,

    isTrusted: true,

    srcElement: { },

    target: { },

    timeStamp: 1458625622813,

    type: "error"


  • 6 posts